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UP : Miscary for Congress and Rahul.

The state of Uttar Pradesh state polls has historically been the testing for comparatively new and battle ground for veteran politicians, the most populous state in the country provides with a certificate of achievement which can propel the party to the national scenario. Heir Apparent Mr. Rahul Gandhi was put to test in these fields of Uttar Pradesh, which was supposed to be his authentication of leadership that has always been present in the family. He would have emerged on the national scenario in a better and a bigger way had the performance of the party been better (much better). This would have proved that he was capable of leading the Grand Old party of India in future, not just because he's the scion of the Gandhian dynasty but because he would have been the leader to turn around the fortunes of the party in the state which has the highest number of people on the electoral roll. In the state of Uttar Pradesh party�s performance for the past 15 yrs has been in declining mode and has not been able to secure majority in the state even once in the past 5-6 state polls.

What followed were years of campaigning, numerous padyatra's, and uncountable speeches. The humble approach of padyatra's and that of overnight stays at dalit houses were beginning to make some impact, most of the techniques and moves of Mr. Gandhi were falling into place though marred with bicker tooting with the authorities over many issues, Mr. Gandhi was being able to project his image of pro people in the far flung areas of the state, Though he was not able to penetrate much in the bastions of the BSP; areas dominated by the Jatava's, he did make some headway in most of the area's of the state.

The nursing of the campaign was proper and adequate in all aspects but it went only till the crucial time of the polls came, the campaign lost steam and vigor around the polls and all the work done as now we know went down the drain. The party rather than trying to get closer to the voter became more involved in brick battering with BJP and likes.

By engaging BJP a void was created at the crucial point which was filled by the Samajwadi party, with renewed leadership of Akhilesh Yadav , SP was able to create confidence in the minds of the voters at the most imp time ,politically speaking , they made there mark when it mattered the most.

Congress and particularly Rahul Gandhi after carefully planning and working diligently in the past couple of years lost that vision when the time of delivery came, Rahul failed to rise to the occasion and deliver and fell flat.

Had there been a clearer vision with Mr. Gandhi at the poll time, He would have been able to maintain the legacy of his late father, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi whose charismatic leadership helped the party secure the highest number of seats ever won by the party. (411 out of 542).

- Ankit Agarwal