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Economic Growth Of India In 2011

India,a billion's country,a country with diversity in every aspect be it culture,religion,colour, caste,wealth,thoughts and so on.People of this country have seen all kind of situations be it acute shortages(as before the year 1991) or developed situations.

It was in the year 1991,when India entered into a much debated and highly speculated era of economic growth . The country was poor as the foreign exchange declined to minimum,and the expectations were very high.The policy of liberalisation and globalisation brought in by the then finance minister , Dr Manmohan Singh,was some hope to the people who were facing acute shortagesand poverty. Those policies turned into country's favour and better growth was recorded and adding extra percentages to the GDP every year.The growth of country was near about 10 percent before the recession of year 2008.

Recently the growth in the year 2011 was recorded near about 7.5 percent against the speculated rate of over 10 percent.This coupled with recent scams(2G ,CWG) created a much debated atmosphere in the entire country .Because with population extending to 1.21 billion and the growth rate of the country falling is not expected ,as the burden of this negativity will fall mostly on poor people.

The rate at which our need expands doesn't match with the required growth rate of our country.The recent released data revealing over 50 percent of our population to be poor and 42 percent malnourished children is very shocking.Moreover out of three malnourished children of the world ,one is indian.This is not desired in a developing country like india which has immense potential.Comparing the development of our country with that of japan in the last sixty years reveal how much we lack behind in every field .

Therefore the growth that we have recorded in the year 2011 is not sustainable because thera are many fields where country lack bahinds and need an extra cover over them.All these requires that people are very honest and never deny from their rights and duties .Government must give a nod for making this country a better place for nurturing young talents and also must come out with new ways of defeating poverty . Because only when we are able to address poverty we can address the slow growth rate as with this more and more people will involved in the developmental process.

India is one of the fastest growing country of the world.Decrease in growth rate of the is a setback forit. government must come out with some strict economic measures to to make country's economy more robust to global setbacks.India should become self sufficient in every field by means of new and improved technologies.

This will reduce country's dependent on other countries.And also situations like the one we saw in the year 2011 wont repeat.For all these people's participation is required and also any kind of corruption must be prevented .

- Abhinav Akash

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