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"The question tonight is all reflecting on the fact that is India safe for anyone, anymore??" and with these kind of questions we often witness discussions on the news panel, taking place on a larger scale, where people nationwide discuss various aspects of molestation and related matter. As responsible citizens of our country, we need to ask ourselves, is the question earlier asked, 'the only question' of the hour? Is this the only topic bothering the people of our country? And the most important- is the so called 'independent swaraj' actually 'free'?

In schools and colleges we are often taught the Indian pledge. Every day while in assembly, we pledged beginning with 'India is my country, and all Indians are my brothers and sisters..' and ending with 'in their well being and prosperity alone lies my happiness..' these phrases however inculcated deep rooted patriotism. But then one forgot that as one aged these things didn't matter anymore and also the fact that what we learnt in school meant nothing more than a usual recitation. These things are evident as we come across news highlighting that every minute ten children across the country are being molested on an average rate.

We count ourselves eligible in the list of countries that grow, develop, and evolve with respect to time. We take pride in calling ourselves 'a civilized society'. But today we must pause to analyse the 'dark matter' that vows to lure in that very same place. Often we hear talks about how well India is scoring in the global economic sector considering the fact that its 'still developing'. But on sensitive matters like molestation, rape we just hear 'sympathetic talks'. Molestation in our case study today is one such 'sensitive talk' where people thank god that they were not molested and just fade away with the topic instead of working on it.

India has been a country where family values and ethics play an important investment on a daily basis from time immemorial. It still is, though people are changing with time in regard to their choices and concerns. This is also the only country where 'raksha bhandan' popularly known as 'rakhi din' is celebrated. And today this is the same country where molestation, rape has become an 'epidemic menace'. In a country where men are considered to be our secondary protectors are slowly, steadily turning into primary predators. Today Indian court rooms have within them a library of case to prove this. From rarest-of-the-rare is 'the Nirbhaya Delhi brave heart' rattling the nation, to the simplest being a public display of molesting a young school going girl. The lunatics responsible for such hideous and shameful acts are on the prowl 24/7 .

Molestation – a sinful, shameless act is when someone disgraces the other in a physical way. One would not expect to leave the house with hope, and get back home with tremors of their own safety. In the bygone decade a survey was conducted to find out various facets of molestation cases. The cases studied were categorized heeding towards ones perspective. Causes for the incident, the victims, the molesters, the environment, the mind-set and every little thing that would qualify as a 'reason' were analysed and scrutinized. Shocking cases bore witness as final reports were submitted. As per the report, out of every ten victims four were boys. Molesters were often a family member or a kin of the victim. Large numbers of cases were based on the curiosity on watching pornography; most of the molesters particularly were juvenile. Some acts were so daring that they were done in broad daylight in front of many people. Some senseless people even made videos on it and released it on you-tube. Most cases that began at molestation ended up as rape. The worst part? Victims paid the price of"shame" with their lives through suicide.

If these things happened on adults and young girls, our toddlers in school were not spared as well. This is evident as the 'garden city' witnessed a series of molestation and rapes on young school going kids. It was so heinous that schools from 'learning gurukuls' had now been demoted as 'molestation-centres'. These were not confined within the four walls of the school. This was done in a moving school van, on the games court etc. Sometimes the working sector women who regularly travel through buses also have to undergo such horrific experiences. Sometimes in the bus stand, sometimes in the public queues, public places. So yes molestation is definitely turning into a menace.

The one case that rattled the nation is the Delhi gang rape. The brave heart died. But woke up millions of people fought publicly for justice. Lit candles in her memory, left roses and flowers at her doorstep. But everything ultimately came down to what the court, our law had to tell. What followed next is history. But what did we learn from it? Rapes are still happening. Molesters are still on the prowl. No matter who is accused, it's always the victim who suffers. Even while lodging complaints, victims have to testify the entire situation which is more than agonising.

These things can at least be contained if not solved. By introducing 'public awareness' classes at the school level, Advertisements on TV, laws regarding molestation and rapes being more stringent, cameras on public roads, more than everything being aware at every step and teaching the young the same may help. Standing up for the right and just. Voicing out things publicly condemned. In fact the concept of 'ARK': one Act of Random Kindness may work wonders. This concept saw its genesis in the state of Andhra Pradesh when local people have started sting operations on sensitive areas. The molesters were caught by public, beaten up, and sent to rehabilitation centres if not jail. This act has proven to be a boon to the people.

We live in an advanced era. India is a country where relationship and humanity exists. People believe in truth and will rise when asked. We connect emotionally too many factors. This dividend of emotion must be channelized into ones heart. Not just in a cop, but in everyone who wants a 'clean' environment to grow. However it's all in the 'human-will' that will bring about a change. It always has, it always will.


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