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42 Indian Languages and dialect stare at extinction - Comment?

The above theme of the subject is extremely pivotal in the contemporary situation where all the countries in the World are integrated with one another in the Globalization era for trespass in trade and investment among each other . In this process all the countries giving importance to the International business language i. e English for communication purpose with each others.

The advent of British with their mother dialect English in the India subcontinent paved the way for domination of English in every aspect of our life stretching from running in administration, school education, day to day correspondence etc dominated the Indian subcontinent by brutal suppressing the vernacular languages at that time. The Lord William Bentinck paved the English education act of 1835 in India to spearheaded the English imperialism and hegemony in every nook and cranny of the country. The 1920 session of All India congress committee keeping in view of various sections of the society reservations on languages that was persisted in India it gave in principal approach to form states on language basis after Indian independence.

The founding framers of the constitution of our country keeping the heterogeneous society ,admixture of dialects ,caste, creed etc in mind and incorporated articles that was specially safeguard and preserve the interest of the minorities dialects . The Indian constitution espouses Article 29 and Article 30 to safeguard and protect the interest of minorities dialects while drafting the India constitution. The Government of India after post-independent era noticed the dialects that are on extinction and incorporated them in 71st and 92nd constitutional amendments such as Sindhi, Nepali, bodo etc in the 8th schedule of the Indian constitution.

The Government of India after post-independent though assured protection of language that are on extinction but it allocated nothing in the budget and in regard to that it heeded the advise of the majority people in the country and turn down the request of minorities in order to gain political mileage. The Government makes hefty promises in safeguarding the interest of marginalized minorities in the society but after winning the elections they actions are null and void in this regard. The Governments after the post –independent India failed to constitute a commission to look after this contentious issue.

The medium of education in India espoused the majority language in their respective curriculum and failed to comprehend the languages on extinction. The rural and urban people are taking there education in English medium or else in there mother tongue only. The languages on extinction lost luster in the competition with the international language i.e English due to its imperialistic tendencies and dominating in every aspect of our life. The another main benefactor that contributes to this extinction is the usage of these languages by the common man is also dwindling day-to-day . The entire World is transformed into IT village and every thing in this is run on English only but not on vernacular languages.

The Government of India ,should constitute a separate commission on this issue and devolve the powers to it to protect and safeguard the dialects that are on extinction. The Government on the other hand should allocate the adequate funds on the languages that are on extinction and should encourage the scholars to do research on this subject. The Government of India should entitle the Archaeological department to do survey on the scripts, inscriptions etc that belonged to these extinct languages and make them to preserve it for research purpose. Hope the Government will act accordingly in line with the Indian constitution and dwell its role as per required in this context.