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G7 Summit 2015, India's Role.


The G-7 was formed in 1975 and was initially comprised of six nations - France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.S. and U.K. The first summit took place on 15-17 November 1975, in Rambouillet, France. Canada joined the group in 1976. G-7 officials meet periodically to discuss international economic and monetary issues, with the semi-annual meetings in particular being the focus of much media attention. Russia became the eighth member at the 1998 Summit in Birmingham, UK.

G7 Countries

41st G-7, an annual international grouping of seven highly developed countries like Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United kingdom, United state and European union excludes Russia (illegal annexation of Crimea on march 2014) was hosted by Germany from 7 - 8th June 2015 in Schloss Elmau. The theme of the summit was Think Ahead. Act Together. The aggregate GDP of G7 member states makes up nearly 50 percent of the global economy.

The Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the leaders of seven G7 members' states government as well as representatives of the European Union. The President of the European Commission is a permanently welcome participant in all meetings and decision-making since 1981.

The G7 organization also invites some guest countries leaders of Ethiopia, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia, US and also invited international Institutions like African union, OECD, International Labour Organization World Trade Organization European commission, European central bank, Euro group, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank that meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy etc.

The G7 countries focus on global challenges such as:
  • Focus on addressing the global economy, inclusive growth and free trade,
  • Preparations for the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris: Protect climate change and the environment, post-2015 development goals.
  • Women's education, women's economic empowerment and entrepreneurship for self-determined life all around the world.
  • Research for health and the world's oceans: Global healthcare and food security, neglected tropical diseases, and the international response to the Ebola outbreak.
  • Post-2020 targets for reducing carbon emissions
  • Foreign security and development policy.
  • Ways of fighting international terrorism.
  • Protect breach of international law.
  • Issues pertaining to global peace and security threats.
  • Management OF European Economic crisis in Ukraine.

The leaders of the G7 committed to raising a 100 billion US dollars fund through public and private sources to combat the rising global temperatures and agreed to implement international mechanisms to bolster global healthcare security by creating a financial instrument at the World Bank to react better to pandemics.

Role of India in G7 summit 2015

India's foreign policy is based on Non-alignment and to work for more peaceful world. It is strongly raising voice against the discriminatory policies of developed countries.

Women's Economic Empowerment

India promotes women's economic participation reduces poverty and inequality, promotes growth and benefits all. Yet women regularly face discrimination which impedes economic potential, jeopardizes investment in development, and constitutes a violation of their human rights. India supports other developing countries and in own country to overcome discrimination, sexual harassment, violence against women and girls and other cultural, social, economic and legal barriers to women's economic participation.
During summit, India continues stress to take steps to foster access to quality jobs for women and to reduce the gender gap in workforce participation within our own countries by 25% by 2025. The Indian public and private sector also has a vital role in creating an environment in which women can more meaningfully participate in the economy.

Climate change

India has alleged that the developed countries not take steps of deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required with a decarbonisation of the global economy over the course of this century.
"As a common vision for a global goal of greenhouse gas emissions reductions we support... the upper end of the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recommendation of 40 to 70 percent reductions by 2050 compared to 2010, recognizing that this challenge can only be met by a global response.


India intends to continue focus on assessments of energy system vulnerabilities in developing countries. Moreover, India advocating the rights of developing countries on strengthening the resilience and flexibility of gas markets, covering both pipeline gas, liquefied natural gas and diversification as a core element of energy security and aim to further diversify the energy mix, energy fuels, sources and routes by enhancing cyber security of the energy sector. Energy Security, in particular the additional concrete joint actions to further strengthen sustainable energy security in the G7 countries and beyond.


India is planning to raise the issue on terrorism in the G7 conference point out Dawood Ibrahim, Hafiz Saeed and Lakhvi and warned to Pakistan to close and seize these jihadist and terrorists' organization accounts of Islamic State, Boko-haram etc.


According to India's opinion, many of our developing economies are still operating below their full potential and more work is needed to achieve our aim of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. India's continues effort to achieve the inclusive and sustainable global development will make it a globally accepted superpower of 21st century. India still finding the loopholes which affect on climate and economy which may propose in next major G7 summit will now be held in 2016 in Japan.

Santosh Prakash