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After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate

We are now celebrating our 67th year of independence in the republic India. Before independence, India was fragmented and ruled by different persons. Republic, the word shows the government for the people and for their developments. Since independence, we are showing our developments in each and every field. Our constitution is one of the best examples for our development. Planning commission introduced the center and the state collaboration plan for five years which helps to estimate and achieve certain plans during five years. India is a member of many international organizations and has collaboration with foreign countries which makes many countries treat us as friendly nation. Most of countries like Iran, Iraq Syria, and Afghanisthan etc.., are under the war for whole year and the people living in that country are in trouble. Each and every second is threatful to them. But in India, violence against public by any mob will be punished severely and India is considered as a peace loving nation. Chandrayan and Mangalyaan shows our development in science and technology field which get us close to the developed countries. Telecommunication plays major role for information communication sector. In India, top IT companies from the world have opened many companies which provides better job opportunities and it has also given economic improvement. Before independence, women were not allowed to go for work and they were just treated like a slave. But now, women are playing a leading role in every field and sometimes they show their talents above or equal to men. In 1950, there are only few political parties in India but now it grows uncountable in number. India is a secular state so there is no limitation for any religious practices but any cruel or magical practices are severely punished. Since independence, we have showing our developments tremendously in every field anyhow there is some parts lacking in our improvements. Caste system is one of the social problem which is continuing till date. Even the school students have formed a caste group in their schools and the discrimination over others has started in school itself. When they are becoming old, it would have continued in their whole life. The solution for this problem is to eliminate caste in schools and treat all the students as same. The reservation which is given to particular caste is the main reason for this kind of conflicts so it should be cancel. India is a secular nation with many religions but the dispute arises between religions. Mostly political parties are behind the religious disputes so sometimes it takes uncontrollable reaction. Every five years, there may be an election for both center and state. The party who wins the election acts as a ruling party and next majority act as opposition party. Both the ruling and opposition party, most of the time forgets about the people and starting to fight in every assembly meeting. If a ruling government brings any good amendment for the welfare of the people, then the opposition party wills tries to stop that amendment. Many times politicians forget that they are for the welfare of the people. The government should bring any other efficient scheme to get decision from people for every amendment bill .We have sufficient defence sources to protect our country from enemies but sometimes without our knowledge we have attacked by some terrorists. For example, Pathankot attack, Taj Hotel attack etc are the some important places which are affected by terrorist .Maoist and naxals are the native terrorist group who are spread on whole India and northeast is the most affected state .Northeastern states are more inferior in condition and they are lacking more from government facilities. If we are overcome from this mistake, then definitely we will be in the developed countries list. It is in the hands of every citizen to bring more developments to our country.


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