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After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate

A small distinct of Bankura, West Bengal, two girls Shalini and Malika. Both were from the same school, Shalini being just one year senior to Malika. Both the girls quite studious and used to perform pretty well in school examinations. Later in life Shalini was forced to get married and couldn't pursue her dreams for the future. On the other hand Malika could pursue her dreams and later became a doctor which she always wanted to be.

In the above short story the two girls came from a very weak financial background, both of them farmer's daughter. But ones father allowed her to pursue her dreams with a lot of Govt. support and the other did not allow his daughter to pursue her dreams as according to him girls should be married of as soon as they turn adults.

After 67 years of India being a republic this is a quite natural scenario throughout the country in the rural sector. At the time of Independence in 1947 women were only 8% literate now after 67years of freedom women are 65%literate and in some states it is below 50%.Yes we have achieved women literacy to a great extent but still young girls drop out of schools due to peer pressure from families to get married, poverty and even lack of toilets. After five decades of realization our Govt. have started "Beti Bachhao,Beti Padao," "Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalya", mid day meal, schemes to minimize school dropouts and specially girls.

India has a huge lacking in open defecation, manual scavenging which should be eradicated. The Govt. have launched a scheme of "Swachh Bharat Mission" which address to all these issues. This scheme was launched on October 2,2014 after one year of non satisfactory performance due to lack of funds on 2015 Swach Bharat cess was introduced.

Before Independence untouchability, oppression, hatred to the lower caste was largely prevalent but after independence our Constitution along with several acts in CrPc and IPC guaranteed the right of the backward people but saddest part is still students like Rohit Vemula commits suicide due to oppression towards backward classes.

India is one of the largest economies in the World where as many as 36 countries want to invest and many first world countries looks to India for their market. But only very less people r financially included in our country, rural sector largely are not inclined towards banking rather they depend on chit funds and it turns out to be one of the biggest scams in our country. Prime ministers launch of Jann Dhan Yojana is a very bold and positive move to minimize indigenous banking and financially including people.

India claims a permanent position in the UN Security Council and truly deserves to get one due to its hard power and being a large economy. We are the fourth largest defence in the world but after 67 years of being a republic women security is of big question in most of the states and even mega cities. Incidents like Rape, Molestations in our country have been still present to a large extent, Delhi NIrbhaya rape case, Mumbai journalist molestation case have made a special budgetary allocation as "Nirbhaya Fund" to be allocated to the states as law and order is a state subject under seventh schedule but NCRB data doesn't seems to minimize when we see oppression and torture towards women.

India is a polio free nation, infant mortality have significantly improved but Govt. hospitals are overcrowded and full of intermediaries which works under the political influence and for monetary benefit thus poor people lacks the facilities. A person in a better position in society spends lakhs of his hard earned money in a private hospital to cure his loved one.

A serious issues in India is corruption. The 2G scam, Satyam Scandal, common wealth scam, sarada chit fund scam have made India's images pretty bad in the world market. It is true that India have improved In the Corruption perception index by transparency international where India ranked 76/168 previously 85/168 but still we cannot deny the fact that doing a minor work in the Government sector bribery is required and formation of Lokayuta couldn't resolve.

Overall India has a number of things to be proud of but there are some serious issues which still persist like women safety education, women empowerment, poverty, lack of jobs, red tapism, corruption.

India has earn her freedom by losing many lives; democracy was a majorly questionable factor during colonialism ,but our constitution guaranteed our rights but educated people can be seen shouting anti national slogans this implies india lacks patriotism.

-Debtanu Roy

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