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Alternative Technologies for Climate Change


  • Climate is an average of weather condition at a particular place over a long period of time. It refers to a weather pattern of place over a long period may be 25 years or more.
  • Climate change, also called global warming refers to rise in average surface temperature on earth. It occurs due to the build up of atmospheric green house gases (ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons- CFCs, carbon dioxide, methane etc.).
  • The major reasons for this climate change are large scale deforestation, consumption of fossil fuel for transport, industrial and cooking purposes, excessive and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides and pollution due to various other causes. This rising temperature can bring about effects which could bring about extinction of life.

Green Energy:

Green energy comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, plants, algae and geothermal heat. There energy resources are renewable means they are naturally replenished.

Green energy can replace fossil fuels in all major areas of use including electricity, water, and space heating and fuel for motor vehicles. It is also called clean energy.

Research from scientific evidence are showing that what this present generation is doing will impact the environment in the next 50 – 100 years. The fact that only one earth is known by human being urges government and private sectors to find solutions to reduce pollution and having a lifestyle that is more eco-friendly. A few reasons on why green energy is important.

Non renewable fossil fuels burning are causing greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere, dissolving into raindrops and causing acid rains. Acid rains damages crops, plants and forests. Aquatic organisms are also affected by this as lakes and rivers pH levels are altered. Human built structures such as steel bridges, marble statues and limestone buildings are being eroded by acid rain.

Examples of Green Energy:

  1. solar energy
  2. wind energy
  3. biodiesel fuel
  4. hydroenergy
  5. biomass

Advantages of Wind Energy:

  1. it does not include the emission of green house gases.
  2. wind energy is freely available in nature, thus no recurring expenditure is needed for the production of electricity by harnessing wind energy.
  3. wind energy is environment friendly and causes no pollution of any sort. It is also inexhaustible in nature.

Advantages of Solar Energy:

  1. it is a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy .
  2. it does not include burning of anything which produces green house gases.
  3. The solar energy is available in abundance and it can be obtained anywhere and even in remote areas.
  4. No fuel or electricity is needed for harnessing solar energy.
  5. It is environment friendly and does not cause pollution of any sort.
  6. There is no residue like ash ,which is to be disposed off, and there is no emission of any gas.

Tidal Energy :

In India, the tidal power potential is estimated to 12000-5000 MW. Asia’s first ever tidal power plant is proposed at Henthal Creek, Gulf Of Kutch, Gujarat. Other suitable identified sites are Gulf Of Cambay And Sunderbans. The amount of power released by waves striking the shores across the world is approximately 2-3 million megawatts, which is equivalent to 3000 large power plants. The everyday movement of water level along the shore is known as tides.

Bio Fuel:

Bio fuels such as bio ethanol contribute little or no CO2 to the build-up of greenhouse gas emissions. Bio ethanol is a versatile fuel that can be mixed with gasoline in 10% blends. Bio fuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions Converting biomass feedstock’s to bio fuel is an environmentally friendly process. When we use bio ethanol instead of gasoline, we help reduce atmospheric CO2 in three ways:-

  1. we avoid the emissions associated with gasoline;
  2. we allow the CO2 content of the fossil fuels to remain in storage
  3. we provide a mechanism for CO2 absorption by growing new biomass for fuels.


We Indians are very proud of the strategic location of our country India, we have the regions where we can get sun light throughout the year , wind and we are surrounded by water bodies on three sides therefore we can easily make solar, wind and tidal energy and reduce the emission of carbon in nature.

- Sayyed Samreen Roomi