An increasing number of youth are burdened with stress. How should we help them hope?

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Essay Contest for UPSC Exam for IAS

         Y- Young O – obliging U- unafraid T- talented H – hardworking are the qualities which we all see in youth. There are different stages of a person – birth stage, childhood , older adolescence , adulthood ,middle age  and old age. The most beautiful journey of life is the time of youth. Youth or youngsters are the backbone of each and every country as they have energy, time, and the ability to achieve anything with a strong determination.

        Our national could only progress if our young generation or youths are being given proper education, awareness and above all to explain the difference between whats right and wrong. Today where all people lead a monotonous life and where technology and other social platforms have occupied an important place above the moral values and other valuable relationships, youths are being driven towards either for a white collar job, or luxurious lifestyle etc. The youth play a vital role in making a nation and vice versa. This could only be possible if the burden of stress is reduced.

       Stress is not only seen in youths , its common in all people, but the proportion of stress is very high in youths. It affects ones body and mind both physically and mentally and in some cases, it also ends up in death. Stress can be avoided only if we start taking things on easier way by not taking overload of work at workplaces, overthinking. Even if a particular task or situation is not in our favour, rather than thinking and worrying about it just keep a ray of hope for something better to happen in future. 

       Hope is a word  which can change our life . Life is not only filled with only one thing happiness, sorrows, ups, downs etc. Whenever there is any stressful situation rather than giving up, always keep a hope .Now the question arises how should we help them hope?




         Family, friends, relatives whoever is friendly or makes you feel better, one must make an environment either by having a friendly talk or talk about practical incidents or experience where keeping  hope turned into success. If a person is undergoing stress we must help them to make a hope. Secondly, a slight change in a person’s behavior should be taken care of  E.g some change in behavior, lack of interest in favourite activities, neglecting mingling in group, avoiding meals.

         Thirdly, the most important thing all workplace , home each and every institutions should be made stress free so that the person  find it easy to work and all should be given a space to speak on if one finds it burdened with work rather than going through stressful situation. This can be done by organizing some mind programs, games,organizing tours in between so that mind and body relaxes.


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