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Caste system in India

India is a nation composed of a diversified array of societies in which the communities are recognized on the basis of their cultural doings inherited from their ancestors. Ancient writings have revealed that the bifurcation of the society is not a modern way of distributing the populace; this practice has been in use since the inception of societies in the human culture. In ancient India individuals were recognized by the work they used to do to earn their living. A particular section of the society performing traditional specific task which they have been doing for several years was named after their doings. This practice of representing sections of society on the basis of their doings was named as the caste system. Each caste in India is a symbol of a specific skill. Considering an example of a potter who makes clay utensils in order to earn his living is of potter caste. Societies were never divided on the basis of the economic grounds in early ages.

India is a community driven country in which every caste has its own specific presence in its multidimensional strata. Considering the cultural significance of caste system in India one can land with immense knowledge about the existence of caste system. India is a land of cultures and traditions in which every caste plays an important role in the rituals the Indian society is bound to. According to Hindu mythology any individual who is capable of performing the tasks of a specific community then that individual is considered of that caste. This theory shows that the misconception adopted by the societies towards the different castes by further fragmenting the caste system as upper caste and lower caste is a modern formulation of one’s individual beliefs. Present state of the society serves as the integral source of interdependence of the communities to each other in one or the other way. This dependence of the beings serves as the symbol of integrity and harmony among them and in the society. Caste system has significant contribution towards Indian economy. Different castes are skilled with different abilities which results in the production of various specific creations having immense demand in the global market. Consider the example of the kneading community which is associated with the making of world class fancy mats. The mats are handcrafted which reflects the traditional artistry of the community. Caste system is of utmost importance in the Indian polity. Politician representing a particular caste or community is well aware of the needs of their people. The assessment of the demands of the people of any caste assists the policy makers to formulate a solution to their needs. This strategy provides new dimension and ensures the participation of each and every section of the society in the development process.

Caste system in the society has also showed the adversities it can tend to in one or the other way. It impacts almost every dimension of the society including social, economic, and political. Caste system in India is a flammable issue in the political arena. Caste system in Indian society is an indispensible tool for politicians. Politics of influencing a particular caste is a modern tactics politicians use to pursue their desire. Division of the society on the grounds of caste by ensuring them of better privileges than others is a mere practice of prejudicing the society in accordance of one’s desires. One of the draconian legislation imposed by the Indian politics in the society is “Caste based reservation system” which led to open prejudice among the people respective to their castes. This means that the section based reservation in education, government openings; medical and economic assistance in the name of uplifting has left the people in need void handed as a punishment of not being subjected to the reserved category. This has forced the nation to compromise with the potential and abilities the country is withholding in the form of huge pool of talented youngsters who constitute the majority population of India. The impose of such ill legislation to ascertain the existence of political career has dragged the nation to a position where the country is facing social, economic, political, democratic and integrity challenges. These challenges pose great threat to the true democratic fabric of the nation as it has convinced the society to consider their priority of utmost importance than of the nation.

There are measures which could contribute to uplift the society or community in true manner. They are:

  • Free world class education and accommodation with meals up to senior secondary level in govt. schools
  • Free medical assistance to everyone
  • Govt. assistance to everyone in need irrespective of its caste

-Abhishek Kumar

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