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Road Policy- how it may harm India?

INTRODUCTION: In 2013 China launched an initiative so called the "One Belt One Road " (OBOR in short) truly and extensively led by and funded by China. It is an innovative Economic strategy to bolster Chinese economic growth and infrastructure and simultaneously letting other countries to join in with China for growth and development boosting trade sector.The project has two components:

Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB):A component of OBOR Project primarily focused on Land-based component connecting and integrating china with other countries of Eurasia. Maritime Silk Road (MSR):Also a component of OBOR project connecting the South-Asian region with China's Southern provinces with ports and railways.

And a problematic ad hoc situation for India regarding OBOR is making CPEC (China- Pakistan Economic Corridor) becoming a part of its project. CPEC route leads to a region occupying and developing in PoK(Pakistan occupied Kashmir). Signifying China is intervening in India's dispute and controversial issue with Pakistan. And a main reason why India stepping aback from becoming a member of OBOR family.

EXTENSION OF ROUTE:This will connect China with the Eurasian countries (Western China to Western Russia). Also from Chinese coast all the way to Mediterranean Sea. By these it will engulf a total of around 60 countries worldwide.

OBJECTIVES OF OBORCHINA'S PERSPECTIVE: To increase economic and diplomatic ties with other countries, taking a role in International affairs on a greater scale.Meanwhile it also creates a platform for the regional members to work together, improving cross-border trading and increasing porosity.

But it is obvious from Chinese point of view that OBOR is not a Free trade and rather more focused on consuming up resources and promoting economic and infrastructures development .And China acting as the epic centre of power and a Rule maker of the initiative; transparency and sovereignty of trade seems to be lacking.The big question is "Should India be a part of One Belt One Road (OBOR)?"

OBORFROM A POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE:Without biting around the bush I rather come to the point saying India alone can neither say "stop! OBOR" or held back its members not to join. The only way is to compromise the long trend of playing hide & seek with Chinese and comes up with new innovative idea and making constructive dialog between the two nations.

It's high time for us now to be a part of what initiatives are rising up in front of us which will be befitting to say "Yes! It's a boon for India also. " Some researchers and expertise say that the OBOR initiative will boost Indian economy as there will be large increase in connectivity in the region,which will result in increasing of imports & export of Goods & Services.

OBSERVING OBOR TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION OF POLITICAL & DIPLOMATIC POINT OF VIEW:First problem; high risk in North Eastern region of India which will become a dominating factor by Chinese due to increase in porosity with the borders. As before, some parts of NE India being proclaim by China as its own territory.Second problem; China is investing a large amount of capital in the South Asia & Indo-pacific region(which includes Bangladesh,Pakistan,Sri Lanka).And which signifies nothing but countering India's recent upcoming strategies in Indian sea and beyond, Via. Project Mausam, Chabahar port, Ports in Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius.

CONCLUSION:As India is aware of what is behind the curtain of these strategies and initiative, it is very unlikely to predict India becoming a part of OBOR Membership. Personally I believe India should stand for what is good & constructive for the country and the welfare of the neighbours also. And take a decision in advance before it is too late rather losing time putting on a brave front.

- P.Galaxy Roy

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