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Communalism and Terrorism are interlinked, challenges in controlling them

India is the second largest democracy in the world which believes in unity in diversity. People of diverse religion live under one India. The terminology of communalism and terrorism seem to be identical but they are entirely different. The effect of these two leads to violence and disturbance in the social fabric of the nation.

The demolition of Babri Masjid1992 created a rift in the minds of Hindus and Muslims. There were riots in Mumbai in its wake. It was followed by breath taking serial blasts in Mumbai in1993.Hundreds of people lost their lives and property worth crores of rupees was lost. The nation had to witness a series of other blasts in Pune, Hyderabad etc.

While the first act was pure communalism, the second was terrorism and it is a classical case where communalism and terrorism are interlinked.

To curb the menace of communalism government should create awareness among people through mass media and proper education.

The terrorist should be dealt in two pronged way, one by using counter interagency menthds and other to develop means and way to bring them to the main stream of life. Here mention Chattisgarh has to be made that has launched skill development training programme called 'Roshini' to raise the standard of living of people.

The problem communalism and terrorism can be solved if people think "united we stand divided we fall." If everyone thinks we all belong to one country, no force can rattle us.

Padma Priya

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