Which is better; corrupt but secular political parties or corruption less but communal political parties
Both corruption and communalism in India are national malaises. So both these malaises must be discarded by the Indian masses. Corrupt but secular political parties will have a devastating impact on the economy of the country. As will corruption less but communal political parties will have a negative impact on the psychology of the masses. The Indian masses should accept probity in life as their ultimate goal of their lives by discarding both corruption and communalism. So both the corrupt as well as communal elements of the society should be severely punished which even includes political parties.

The negative impact of corruption in India has its roots in Indian society since a time immemorial. So has the positive impact of communal harmony via the spirit of secularism has its existence since the time when our country India and its identity as a civilisation sprang up. In fact secularism has more to do with our multiculturalism.
Our society is a multi-religious and multi-cultural society, whose very seeds have been sown by the spirit of secularism. India is the birth place of many religions of the world like, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism etc. So our society imbibes the spirit of all major religions of the world. Thus making India a multi-religious and multi-cultural country...
This multiculturalism and multi-religious identity of ours is a very tribute to our existence as an independent nation, India. India what it is today is only due to its trait of respecting all major religions of the world. This is a major lesson taught by the Indian civilisation to the world being.
The lesson is of 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam' i.e., the whole world is one family. If the whole world becomes one family in the true sense of the term, certainly the two pillars of the family among the main pillars of this family are respectively, secularism via the spirit of tolerance and probity in life among the members of this family constituted by corruption free individuals.
Corruption has more to do with greed then with need. Thus corruption and greediness are the two sides of the same coin. At the same time, corruption should not have a narrow connotation with only last for money. The definition of corruption is not exhaustive. So its implications are ever increasing. So, in a simple way ill-feeling for others which also includes another person's belief, faith and religion is also engulfed by the very term corruption. So, under the ambit of the term, corruption come religious hatred.
As religious hatred and religious ill-feeling also engulfs or comes under the term corruption. So corruption and communalism are sometimes coterminous. As corruption is an expression of human folly, so is communalism.
Therefore in a country like India, corrupt practises as well as communal mindset both should be discarded. Rather we should welcome corruption less as well as secular political parties. The ultimate impact of these types of parties will have a lasting impact on the lives of the Indian masses. This can bring probity in public life. As a whole, such political parties will ultimately take our country to not only a path of rapid development but also in the long run increase gross happiness in the country If all round development is the goal of any political party, then the way ahead for it is corruption less as well as an ideology which is guided by the spirit of secularism. I think, probity in life has more to do with love and respect for all religions, faith etc,. On the other hand, all round development has to do more with fellow feeling among the countrymen, then, only with developing the economy in monetary terms. So, if our goal is inclusive growth, then, the way ahead to lead this growth is corruption less as well as secular political parties.
-Jnandeep Bora
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