Which is better; corrupt but secular political parties or non-corrupt but communal political parties
The theme represents the critical situation of our country where it needs to distinguish between corrupt but secular political parties or corruption less but communal political parties are essential in the need in this hour.

The contemporary situation holds this peculiar situation that was perpetuated all over the country. The Constitution makers of this country made the following phrases Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic should be the bedrock of our country.
The above phrase of the concept needs sheer enunciation to get the precise perception of the situation that was persisted in these multi religious society . Though the Communalism is not new to the Sub-continent it was existed and practiced by the so many foreign invaders who waged a war on the India to hold their Supremacy on this region and persecuted the millions of people those who resisted their venomous desires.But the Communalism in the modern era of our Indian Independence took an ugly shade where millions of people were persecuted, there properties were ransacked and the religious monuments were vandalized for the sake of religion.
The Britishers ruled this country for 2 centuries with treachery and brutality and they were frightened by the unity and diversity of our country and come to a drastic conclusion that they should breach this unity. In view of that they pursed various policies to strengthen the animosity between various religions.The 1947 partition of our country into two separate countries like India and Pakistan created a havoc and bloodshed in the history of the country. The tentacles of the Communalism are haunting our country here and there.
The religious harmony that was persisted in our country had felt insecure when the stray incidents occurred in our country. The one among them is Genocide in Gujarat where a section of religious persons was persecuted ,there properties were vandalized, there houses were ransacked and this happened in 2002.
These incidents gave a huge setback in the 2004 elections to the NDA Government and also threatened the secularism. The religious fanatics spearheaded the tentacles of the religious vendetta to every nook and corner of the country and it gained the stream.
The NDA led parties lost the 2004 elections and their ideology was rejected by the people of this country. This move paved the way for the UPA led parties to win in the elections. The UPA Government strive very hard to promote and protect the religious harmony in the country and this move was emboldened by pursuing stringent measures to protect unity and diversity of our country.
These created a massive euphoria before the 2009 elections and made a cakewalk for the UPA led Government to won the elections for the Second time.
The UPA Government won the 2009 elections but the image of UPA Government was routed due to innumerable allegations, rampant corruption in each and every sector of the Government. The NDA led Government cashed the negative of the UPA Government euphoria that was churned by the various groups and tuned these Anti-Incumbency factor in favor of them.
The NDA led parties won the 2014 elections on the poll promises such has weeding out corruption, Minimum Government maximum governance etc made their image to shine in that elections.
The NDA led Government had brought innumerable changes in the policies such has Foreign, economic, Trade etc, had fascinated the foreign investors among the India. The NDA led Government under stewardship of PM Narendra Modi released the cap on FDI in various sectors for the investment and growth of the country. The other side of the coin where this Government mishandled various sensitive cases such has religious intolerance, vandalizing other religious constructions etc had generated chaos among the minorities of this country.
The above narration regarding the two types of ideologies made a brief glimpse over past and present situation of the contemporary India. This picture depicts the transforming opinions and believes from one after the other where the contradicting ideologies are existed. The distinctive points between the two ideologies needs endorsement of majority people who opt for it.
The India is Social, Secular, Liberal ,Democratic, and Republic country where diverse opinions, diverse ideologies ,diversified faiths were converge at the India. The constitution had guaranteed rights to minorities where there interests of rights are protected and preserved forever.
The birth of this country is based on the impeccable morals, values and freedom that was obtained through the democratic methods and constitutional process that was nurtured by our fore fathers. The country should be developed through the democratic decentralization process where future of the every citizen is guaranteed by the Government.
The system needs Corruption less society ,communalism should be in tolerated at the grass root level itself, pragmatism and stewardship should be the wisdom of our country to sustain and achieve rapid growth rate with development.
The country needs should be satisfied through diversified ideas rather homogenous notions that was generated for short term gains. The UPA and NDA ideologies should be in accordance with spirit and substance of the constitution of the India that was framed by our fore fathers but not entrench others rights. The political parties that won through democratic representation should administer the public offices with high humility and integrity.
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