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Digital India or Green India, Discuss

As we know our country is progressing and is making a respectful position for all around the world for itself, it's a brilliant idea of digitalizing India. Our Government's new objective was of Green India for making it greener and greener. It's imperative for maintaining a greener and digitalized India. India's progress is escalating day by day. But at first there should be an objective of making India more educated. Digitalizing India is not a piece of cake, it's not everyone's cup of tea but it is a herculean task. It could or would happen if everyone become educated and everyone follow the norms as they are equal for all. This is an initiative by the Govt. of India to ensure that govt. services are made available to every citizen electronically by improving online infrastructure and increasing interconnectivity. "Power to Empower- Narendra Modi". It would help everyone to become educated. Good infrastructure and building smart cities is a part of Digital India. It helped every people in countryside to gain electricity and interconnectivity even to the farthest point which helped everyone to stay connected. In the offices they are planning to reduce the number of papers used and are sending the files by e-mail and are helping India to make it greener and greener. PM's visits to Foreign countries are helping India to maintain its foreign relations with other countries and are part of Digital India but there are people would it be successful or not? It would be successful if everyone contributes towards the societies and everyone is educated. It paved a way for India to get even more digitalized. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the national movement by the Indian Government and was launched on 2nd October 2014 at Rajghat on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Its objectives were cleaning Streets, Roads, Airports, Railway Stations, Bus Stops etc., it would help to a green environment and less diseases, more number of tourist's attraction at various places, it would help our nation to succeed in maintaining foreign relations. This movement would increase knowledge about sanitation and cleanliness, would help in construction of dry latrines and much more for the people to lead a happy life. It would help in broadband in around 2 lakh villages and public Wi-Fi hotspots for internet access to everyone, Wi-Fi in around 2 lakh schools, all universities, and the main feature of Digital India is 'universal phone connectivity'. Good electric connectivity using optical fiber cables in more than 68000 villages. Objectives of Digital India are broadband highways, electronic manufacturing, IT for jobs, Public Internet Access Program etc. Now-a-days internet has become a liability for everyone, it is the main thing why everyone buys a smartphone, providing internet at highways would help them to check and locate their location via Google Maps. In every competitive exams there are much no. of candidates appearing like 5, 00,000 persons appeared and only 10,000 or 20,000 are selected for giving the main exams, so there is such a competition for work are there less opportunities for education so providing more facilities for jobs would help to gain literacy rate in India. It would help everyone to gain knowledge and being an asset for the economy rather than being a liability. Providing free internet and public Wi-Fi hotspots to everyone would help them use internet in a good way. For every job there are applications/forms are filled online and is possible due to Digital India.

It is a way for everyone being an asset for the economy. On the other hand Green India's main objective was of cutting greenhouse emissions released by industries, warehouses etc, It is leading to the depletion of ozone layer. Everyone should help ascertained pertaining to a bright future. At this stage ozone is jeopardized. It can be cured by spreading awareness about different programs and different initiatives by the govt. making everyone educated would help curing every disease. Digital India's programmes are more efficient and are less time consuming this would help in achieving the targets of our nation.

Rudresh Bodwal

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