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Digital India or Green India, Discuss


In the present day context it would be better to rephrase �Digital India or Green India� to �Digital India and Green India�, since both of these terms are complimentary to each other. Human development and sustainable development are two inseparable terms, together gives much relevance to the holistic development of mankind.

Digital India

The whole process of digitalizing India is much needed one as it catalyses the phase of growth and development in the country. There is a need to digitalize basic facilities and necessities today to remain competitive in the global arena of development and growth.

Getting basic amenities from the government like birth, death certificates, paying of water, property, etc taxes, PDS to citizen specific facilities like lodging police complaint, application to a government job requires complete digitalization to avoid the impediments that one shall encounter when they are done in conventional way.

Integrating all services provided by the government through digital portals will serve two kinds of purposes: One the government can cater to large number of people in a simple, cost effective, easy way at a short span of time and secondly government can keep track of services that are being provided without much stress. Integrating government services can be achieved through the UIDAI (Aadhar) cards.

Digital India campaign by the government also focuses on the areas of providing internet connectivity to larger extent, digitalizing government offices to avoid "red tapism", providing cloud based data services (Digital locker), protecting citizen information (National Cyber Security Policy 2013) by placing data hosting centers in India and improvising the quality and speed of the data services by improvising the telecommunication infrastructure.

India should also concentrate much on cyber security part due to large scale data thefts in PSU�s since the whole idea of cyber security is an evolving phenomena, creating a successive competitive environment to the telecos, safeguarding the citizen�s interest by assuring the privacy on data and limiting the service giants on the use of user data.

Green India

Green India is a contemporary issue for ages and it always maintains it relevance in the era of humankind. Green India unlike Digital India is not only a basic need but also a human right that government should focus on. The Green India idea garners much importance because it not only safeguards country�s resource for future generation but also emphasizes much on global partnership in combating climate change.

India is a land of resources. The economic value of these resources should be carefully calculated keeping the factor of �sustainable development� in mind. In India a major proportion of electricity is produced by coal which shows India�s reliance to that of the conventional polluting energy sources. It is the time that India is being forced to transform to a state of producing clean energy.

India should focus to build its clean energy infrastructure in a way that Germany has done it (energiewende). India is ranks low in terms of per capita emission when compared to other developed and developing countries. This is a positive stance for India.

Based on the Common but Differentiated Responsibility that has been stated in Rio Earth Summit in 1992, India has been in the buffer zone to develop using the conventional resources it has within its disposal to counter the problems of growth and development.

This idea of CBDR and Carbon credit should not hamper the process of India shifting from conventional energy sources to clean energy rather utilizing this leverage provided by them India should fasten the process.

India's Nationally Determined Contributions shows India�s efforts in fighting climate change and its involvement in protecting the environment. Swachh Bharat campaign, planting trees along the highways, construction of solar farms over irrigation canals and wind farms are the ways through which India tries to justify itself according to the term of "Green India".

India still needs to bring a coercive strategy in Gang rejuvenation, riverbed pollution, solid waste management fronts to make Green India a complete term and making India a better place to live.

Digital India and Green India should not be seen as an opportunity that India have grabbed to better the international rankings of development and growth rather than it should be seen as a change that India has to evolve with make human existence a harmonious one.

Vishnu Mohan

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