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Do Schools Put Too Much Pressure on Kids

Yes, it's true that school put a lot of pressure on kids. School children are always seen carrying a huge bag of books and notebooks along with them. Though it's a class 1st kid or a class 10th kid, all have huge burden of studies. Nowadays everyone wants to come first and no body wants to be the last. Every body just talks of marks and syllabus irrespective of learning things in a better and appropriate way. Children always want to score higher and higher. Even the parents also want their children to be amongst the toppers. For that they spend thousands rupees on their children studies and on their better living conditions so that they can study in better and efficient way. This increases among students a spirit of competition and they sometimes work even more hard to prove themselves.

But this does not create champions but it only puts a lot of burden on school children. Childhood is a time when kids grow and become mature. Their mental and physical level grows and they are able to learn and explore new things during that time. But in schools a huge pressure of studies and work are put on children. And they only study in schools. Schools, especially, private schools follow a particular curriculum and a well defined pattern as according to various institutions or boards like CBSE, ICSE, etc. This puts an immense pressure on schools which have to complete the syllabus on time, and ultimately leading to undue pressure on children. This sometimes create a negative impact on children because they sometimes make themselves so busy that they forget other important things in life like playing, reading other journals and books.

All this is because of their hectic school life because schools put a lot of pressures on studies only rather than making children participate in other activities. This is a really bad thing as children don't get exposure of outside world and they are always seen learning for their tests, doing assignments and homework and only those tasks which their teachers give to them. This makes their life really busy and they are so much miserable that they can't do any other work. Nor they can watch educational TV channels such as discovery, national geographical etc. because they don't have time for anything. All this is because of their school which put undue pressure on kids. Various surveys are done for school children and it is seen that children carry a huge weighted bag to school daily. This is not a good thing at all.

In foreign countries students are provided lockers in the school premises so that the children don't have to carry heavy bag with them daily to school. They just have two carry on homework copies only and that too little one. But this is not the case in India because as we are always of lack of resources, schools can't provide them lockers system. But this could be good thing for the development of India. Not just this, children never enjoy their summer and winter vacations because they are always provided with huge amount of homework and assignments for the vacations. The homework is though knowledgeable but side by side time consuming also because kids couldn't enjoy their vacations because they have two do homework. They can't go to relatives place because they have homework. Though "A students life is the toughest life" but their must be some relaxation to it because if they are put into a lot of burden then they can never achieve success. Because this is rightly said that "A too must stretched string is becomes strong up to a certain limit, after that it breaks." So a student's life in a same way is very miserable and they must not be so much stretched that it creates negative impacts on them.

The main reason of students committing suicides is this only because some children can't take pressures put by their school, so they take wrong steps like suicides and some go into drugs and all such bad activities. Though schools take a lot of care of the kids but then also they are often put into bad habits when they are in school itself. But it shouldn't be the case because as schools are always referred as temples so children should never be disadvantaged because of that. Also children always enjoy when they are in school because they always go to school to learn sometime, not to get overburdened. Hence schools should always do sometime to cope with this problem because children being the future of our country should never be mistreated. Also overburdening of children with work is against the rules and regulations of various NGO's and organizations.

Something should be done for the betterment of school kids like they should be given lesser homework. They should be made to do written work in school only because written work is the only thing which consumes a lot of time. If written work is done in the school itself then the children will only have to do learning work and activities at home. Also children should be always be encouraged to learn not to cram things because we can't cram everything but can understand things and this is the best way because want ever we cram will be lost from our minds one day but whatever we learn and understand will stay with us forever. And this cramming of things is the most hectic part for students and this sometimes create a bad impact on them. For example- we always learn and understand mathematics, so it stays in our mind forever because we have learned the concepts not cram them. In the same way we sometimes cram a lesson so it one or the other day will get lost from our mind. So cramming never helps. Hence the school should always encourage children to be ahead in life but not to only work in life. And also they should not impose loads of work on the shoulders of small kids.

Rohit Mittal

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