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After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again.

In spite of all efforts been made by the government since independence and the crisis of 1991, picture of the country portrays that we need reforms in every aspect of life. After so much of development people are still struggling for their basic needs i.e. food, clothes, education, house etc. So mere speeches and planning is not the solution, implementation, action and follow-up must be done push forward our reforms.

Let's start with the social life, India is divided on the name of caste, race and religion, even in the constitution there is special place for SC and BC for jobs and other criteria. If we want India in the list of developed countries caste system need to be removed from its roots and from the mind of people. Every human is equal and it should be the basic criteria in the country.

There is huge discrimination going on in our country. For instance person from one state will have to face criticism in other state because of his/her caste, city, language and occupation. There should not be any such thing as everyone is Indian. We must protest such development and it should start form our own cities and state.

Now we have a look on religious part of our country, which is known as a secular democracy, we present ourselves united although we have many different religions, but long term dispute for temple and mosque is going on side by side. Right to freedom of religion, gathering for religion, these rights have been misused these days. Looting, corruption, sexual harassment on the name of god has been made a usual practice. Changes need to be done to save the country from robbers in disguise of saints.

Now comes the education, most important fact for progress, we have made arrangements for some free basic primary education, but the fact is in many such schools only one teacher is teaching all subjects. There is no one to follow up and correct such practices. In our education attention should be given to more to practical studies rather than mere reading the theories.

Condition of women is getting worse in our country. There is no safe place for woman as we hear cases of rapes sexual harassment very often. It's good that such incidents are reported more than before and action has also been taken, but still it needs more attention. The culprits' needs to be punished speedily and follow up action should be quick.

The practice of female foeticide is discriminating. We need spread the message of equality between sexes and for this we need to organize awareness programmes in villages and cities. Even animal don't differentiate their babies, so why we cannot live without such discrimination.

The biggest problem which we face is corruption. From a little housekeeper to a big minister, corruption is prevailing in the roots of our country. For instance drink and drive is crime, punishment is there but how many people got caught? If by mistake anybody is caught he can easily go home by bribing the authorities.

We want to see India as a superpower, but this is only possible when we have reforms in every field of life. After 70 year of independence, we are still 50 year behind the developed countries. So it's not only the government that can bring reforms, it's the duty of the public as well to instantiate reforms. If this can be done only then India can figure in the list of developed countries.


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