Dreams which should not let India sleep.

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The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.” This is an excerpt from the speech delivered by Jawaharlal Nehru.  Like said in the speech, as long as there are tears in the eyes of citizens of India, it should consider every fellow citizen. Here, the compassionate approach is very important. There are many fields that we have to achieve a lot and there are many challenges that should not let anyone sleep until we overcome them.


A wise man said in the past, “Economy needs knowledge, politics needs wisdom and everything that constitutes this can be found in the pages of books”. Educational field is one of the important fields that we need to achieve a lot. Rather than putting investments in academic research of illogical and irrational things that make no sense or have no value, we should put our wholehearted efforts in the fields like academic research that generates the artists, scientists, mathematicians, medical doctors, bureaucrats, economists and engineers. It’s a very irrational thing that we need to put our investments in the fields that hold no value in building a super power nation from the state of a developing country and the education that makes the students even confused about their own personalities. The students who we educate today, will be the citizens of this nation tomorrow. So it’s very important that our educational system should be tuned accordingly.

Women safety and empowerment

A wise man in the past said, “A nation’s progress can be measured by seeing how it treats women”. As the citizens of India work to eradicate every tear from every eye, another challenge that gets placed in front of us is women safety. Even though we have so many government schemes like “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” in order to empower the women citizens of this nation, still we lag behind when it comes to the security of women regardless of the areas, urban or rural. We can’t simply run away from this heavy responsibility. The measures are to be taken in order to thwart the rise of violence against women, so that we can build a great nation.

Internal and external security

India is a country that faces a lot of internal and external threats. The internal threats mainly constitute the growing rise of communal violence, regional violence and etc and the external threats consists of cross border terrorism that is sponsored and funded by the one’s across the borders for their national interests. In order to effectively tackle this issue, there should be a strong intelligence network of government officials and the citizens who are ready to work for the nation, without any kind of partiality. The communal  and regional violence can only be thwarted with the proper coordination and negotiations with the community and regional leaders who are ready to work for the better future of this nation, as leaders are the representatives of the people. Rather than seeing negative aspects everywhere and not having hope in anything, we should put our wholehearted hope and efforts in building a strong India.

Economic prosperity

For every nation, to be at the top fabric of the organization of nations it’s a

must that it should be economically prospering. Like the USA did and what made them a superpower is that, they economically prospered and now every other nation is competing with their currency. In order to achieve this our GDP, FDI’s  should increase. The rise in FDI will also reduce the number of unemployed people. With government plans such as “Make in India”, we should develop our own products with our own materials. The products should be so unique that no other nations can offer them. That is what attracts foreign investors whatever field it is. That will make us economically prosper.

Scientific advancement

Like aforesaid, in order to make products no other nation can offer we should possess cutting edge technologies. It is proven that India has a lot of talents which are used for foreign companies. Once we thwart the internal threats which are a blockade for our development, that will create more opportunities in India. We have seen the growing rise of FDI in the software/hardware field by nations like Singapore in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka, in recent years. We should make use of the best brains from the premier institutes for achieving this feat.

We should be hopeful that the dreams that don't let us Indians sleep today, will be the steps of a better tomorrow. It’s sure that one day India will be able to conquer the talisman message “Unto the last”.

-Muhammad Fasal

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