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What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014.

There was a time when we had leaders like Shri Moti Lal Nehru, J.L Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi and many more. At that time people of India did not have to make a choice because all of them knew that they can govern the country for its betterment.

All of such great leaders were equally loveable to everyone because they have done great work for our country. Their only motto was to serve the country not themselves or any political party. It is because of this those leaders are remembered and admired in India.

Over a period of time, many political parties have been formed which has given more leaders to our nation. However, enthusiasm to serve the country is missing among them and what is found is desire for the victory of one's own party, by throwing mud on opposition parties. In this catfight the leaders of the political parties are ignoring the interests of the common man and the country as a whole.

The coming election is going to see a biggest chaos in Indian politics. It may be more interesting then the cricket match between India and Pakistan. With so many teams in the game it could be a political Indian Premier League 2014 edition!

Without looking at the economic condition of the country which is in serious trouble, it seems full efforts are being made in preparation of the elections. Huge money is being spent on rallies, travelling and on promotion of the political parties. The way preparation is being made for the general elections, we can say there is no financial issue in this country.

Nonetheless there are some real issues that is facing the country. Will the biggest democracy of the world get the right choice of the person to lead the country and fulfil its promises?

It's not long when Aam Admi party formed the government in Delhi and then resigned just after 48 days. Will the same thing happen to our national government as well? India needs stability for its progress and every Indian is watching this aspect of the coming elections.

What is being seen in the run up to the election is that political parties are fighting with each other. Their rallies, campaign are full of hatred for the opposition parties. In their speeches political leaders are talking about the past and what they will not do if they will come to power. No one is talking about the future of India, what steps they may take to take India forward.

The real issue is political parties do not have any goal after the election. The somehow want to be in power. This is the real issue of this election and not who will be the next Prime Minister.

So the first job for all the parties should be to set their goal for the future governance of India. After that they can take this message to the public and let the people decide whom they like the most.

The people of this country have to be serious about the issues that the political parties are raising before them. They have to weigh the solutions that the political parties are suggesting. In the end the ideas of the political party attract the most, will be the choice of the nation.

Unfortunately the general election 2014 is still to moving in this direction. The common man is eagerly waiting for this to happen.

Manpreet Kaur

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