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What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014.

We are discussing here about the real issues which are confronting every Indian today. At the outset it can said that it is very disgusting to note that nearly 66 years after independence we are facing the problems and to them some more are added on.

  1. Corruption is the major issue in the country. In India, corruption has become a way of life. It is regarded as a land which abounds in political opportunism, avarice, crime and where everything is possible, but with money and bribe.
  2. Railway woes- Improper timing of Railways and less number of trains are the problem which the common man has been facing since decades continue to haunt them even today. The overcrowded train makes some people avoid train journey. They can`t travel in trains because no seats are available.
  3. Unemployment is also another real issue. There is huge unemployment problem among the youth in the country. Due to lack of employment youth are becoming restless and deviant in the country. How to find a job is the real issue before the youth of the country.
  4. Child labor is another real problem. We see various mills, factories, industries where child labour is still in existence. Government has to make policies and take measures for proper upbringing of child. The practice of child lobour has to be controlled.
  5. Shelter to the homeless is another real issue. There is large amount of population who do not has shelter and need them for survival.
  6. Water and Electricity are other real issues. Clean and potable water is becoming scarce. Water is creating great impact on people's health. Similarly uninterrupted power supply is the basic infrastructure need of the society. If government wants to increase productivity it has to provide uninterrupted power supply at subsidized cost.
  7. The quantity of gas cylinders and its rates are also of great concern for common man. It has to be regulated in a proper way so that everyone gets benefitted.
  8. The rising crime rate is another real issue especially against women, old and children. Women feel unsafe to travel in local train during the days as well as in nights. Crime rates are increasing in all states and are a matter of concern of common man.
  9. Government has to reduce the poverty; they have to make various policies to uplift the people above the poverty line.
  10. People in the country go hungry because they have no food to eat. Hunger is a big problem in the country. Supply of adequate food is another real issue facing the country.

There are many other real issues that are confronting the country. It is very easy to list them out but how to solve the problems faced by the common man the biggest challenge before any government.

The agenda for the political parties is to provide a roadmap of tackling the issues faced by the common man. It remains to be seen which political party has the best roadmap laid out to the public. Notwithstanding the facts, the real issue has to be tackled with efficiency honesty and dedication.

Rajesh Ravindra Chalke

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