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Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only?

At present, various kinds of schemes of public welfare are being launched by the government and the names of the schemes are being given in two languages i.e. Hindi and English, for example, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Make in India, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao Yojna, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Yojana, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana, Sukanya Samridhi Yojana etc. As we see, almost all the schemes have been named in Hindi. Thus, the ruling government is focusing on Hindi names more than any other language.

But Before explaining whether they should be named in Hindi only or not, or in any other language, we should have a look on the present status of Hindi in India. Among all the languages in the list of eighth schedule of the constitution, Hindi is the most important language based on the number of its speakers all over the country. It has around 41% Hindi speakers In India as per Census 2001. Hindi is also a language of administration with English. It is spoken and dominant mainly in North India, but understood by lots of people to some or large extent. These data also show that why it is beneficial to name a scheme in Hindi language because the number of Hindi speakers in India are much more than any other language.

Now we should move on to the points which prove the schemes should be named in Hindi language only.

As we see, we have almost half of the nation speaking Hindi; it will be good to name the schemes in Hindi for better understanding. They will be able to remember the schemes in Hindi rather than English in which rest of the nation is not well aware of.

Article 351 of the Indian Constitution states "It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language. With this initiative, we will promote the language. And it is also our duty to respect and follow the principals of the Constitution.

As the fundamental duties of the Constitution state, we have to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and to value the rich heritage of our composite culture. Hindi language is a part of our culture and adopting Hindi this way, will create a feeling of nationalism among Indians. Hindi should be given due respect. The People will try to understand it better when the names are in Hindi only.

After analyzing the points in favor of Hindi names of the schemes, we find some difficulties also. These are mentioned below:-

If majority of the Indians speak and understand Hindi, there are also lots of people who don't know Hindi and find it difficult to understand it. Therefore, along with Hindi names of the schemes, English names should also be provided or the translated version should also be given so that non Hindi speaker may understand the schemes and its motive easily. India is a country with great diversity. We have to take everybody into consideration. There are lots of languages spoken in our country not only Hindi. However, it is not practically feasible to translate the schemes in more than two languages but a translation can be provided in English for their convenience. In conclusion, we must always focus on proper implementation of the schemes. If the countrymen are getting benefited properly with what is being delivered by the government without corruption and exploitation, this makes the planning successful. However, whether the names of the schemes are being given in Hindi or English should not be the matter of concern. Rather, we must focus on the benefits that reach to the vulnerable class of society and implementation. As famous English Author, William Shakespeare has said, "What is in a name".

Shiva Gupta

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