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How can India become self-sufficient in Defence Sector ?

Nations ensure their success, strength and sovereignty by the protection it provides to its people and the only sector which assures it is the Defence Sector. This sector is considered to be one of the major arenas of discussion at times of protection and safety. Nations are judged powerful on the basis of their capability to protect their citizens and at the same time increase their dominancy in the world.

Defence is one such sector which needs to stand firm throughout whether at times of national emergencies or during the normal course managed by highly dedicated team of officials who can shoulder this important responsibility patiently, so that even a tinge of wind cannot blow away the sector.

India's defence sector is the major spending sector of Indian economy but yet lacks in the self sufficiency to hold the number one spot. Therefore the sector still remains an evolving one and not an evolved one. No doubt India has got a very strong hold in terms of its defence but due to its improper use of 'carrot and stick' policy the great power potential of India lies in tatters. It is often found that the slavish use of 'carrot' without any equilibrium with the 'stick' at times threatens the country as a whole.

India has got a promising potential of achieving a great power status despite of all the negativity surrounding it whether in terms of neighbouring countries or whether interstate issues. Its strategically significant geographical location serves advantages to the country whether in terms of its continental or maritime powers.

In order to create self sufficiency India should be very clear about certain basic facts which include:

  1. Positioning a global imprint on the world and gaining its hold over the entire Asian region thereby maintaining its poise and balance.
  2. All round development is very necessary for wholesome progress whether political, social, economic, military and technological dominance within its reach.
  3. Maintaining healthy relationship with the neighbouring nations in terms of strong diplomatic and friendly ties can also create sufficiency in this sector.

Steps taken by the Government:

Governments most appreciated project 'Make in India' has come with a new concept of 'Design in India' where emphasis has always been laid to give a boost to the country's defence sector, as our Defence Minister always believes that 'When we make in India major weapons and platforms for the armed forces, we become independent and self sufficient with spin offs in civil and commercial sectors'

If we take a closer look on our Prime Minister's visit to various nations, we find that he has always laid emphasis on strengthening the defence of the country.

His recent initiatives include the following:

INDIA-UAE visit:

  • Aiming at the cooperation in security and defence sector.
  • With the spread of radicalism in Gulf and South Asia, India always aimed at measures to combat radicalism and counter terrorist threats.
  • 'Desert Eagle II' a ten day air combat exercise was also taken in May-June 2016 between the air forces of both the nations.


  • India being the largest importer of weapons from Israel, it also aimed at turning the budget to 600 million dollars.
  • Last year India signing one of the biggest weapon deals in the defence history amounting to $2 dollar that includes an advanced defence system of medium-range surface- to-air missile launchers and communication technology also indicates its efforts to suffice itself in the defence sector.


  • Involved in the quadrilateral along with other superpowers like US Japan and Australia will benefit the country in terms of its diplomatic levage and sharing of burden in defence.


  • The Indian-European Union 14th meet in Delhi focused on strengthening the defence system of the nation in order to combat all sorts of terrorist activities.

Not only is the government trying at its best but the recent trend shows that there has been a tremendous rise by the private sectors of the country. Some of the initiatives include:

  • FDI Liberalisation.
  • Inclusive Development.
  • Tax Incentives.
  • Strategic Partnership model. And simplification of the various policies has boosted the growth of this sector.


Thus in order to self complements our defence sector we should strengthen the roots of our people. We all have the potential to comply with the advancements in the technology but the only thing that we need to do is to be in sync with the technology. It is not something impossible, the only thing that is required here is proactive management of the current and potential resources and a supportive push from financial regulatory standpoint and we achieve self sufficiency in this sector and emerge globally powerful.

-- Satarupa Mukherjee

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