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Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons.

There is a big influence of technique on our daily life. Electronic devices, multimedia and computers are things we have to deal with every day. Especially the Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media and surely "the" medium of the future. Therefore it is necessary to think about some good and bad aspects of how this medium influences us. The Internet changed our life enormously; there is no doubt about that. There are many advantages of the Internet that show you the importance of this new medium. What I want to say is that Internet changed our life in a positive way.

Life has become drastically smooth and easy over the internet, while in the previous year's seeking for a job required several visits to the offices and companies and interviews, these days all what is required is you detailed resume emailed to the company's analysis division which assures you of any possibilities for getting the job instead of waiting and getting rejected in the end. Internet is useful in online shopping, so that we can save our time by not going outside and find that particular thing. For, the entrepreneur this is the biggest platform to connect with people.

The internet brings an innovative impression on trade and commerce and is widely used by businesses worldwide. It offers an instantaneous and direct communication by the use of e-mail, instant messaging, video call and the World Wide Web pages. It remains to develop, compelled by countless quantities of online informative data and knowledge in business, amusement and social networking. It is an awesome device commonly used by students on their homework, assignments and projects. It is also an excellent source of information for research paper and studies. The internet has made searching for informative data much faster and easier to be done. Yet, another harmful effects that anyone may face while browsing the net is the chance to grasp unreliable info and data from unaccredited sources. As websites rapidly springs out in the net, so is the amount of time consumed every time we start using it. The internet has become an office that stocks an enormous time investment and occasionally its one source of an incredible waste of time. Due to the accessibility of info available on the web, anyone can access any files without any restriction and guidelines to what it is. Businesses, for example, often times use online cloud storage that is securely protected and can be remotely accessed with appropriate security measures. Users can easily browse pornographic images and videos in which can affect someone's behaviour and can deteriorate morale of the society in the long run.

Any piece of information regarding anything, everything in our daily lives, may it be a cosmetic technique for the ladies or the men health problems, the cooking recipes for trying the new dishes or the home decoration tips, the information on the latest appliance or product you are going to buy or the search for the new house, it is all there ready for you on the internet.

Evidently, users of internet are exceedingly growing and continue to rise as changes occur every now and then. The most interesting aspect of the internet influencing our daily lives is the factor of entertainment. Entertainment no longer demands your money or expense, today you can just log on the internet in your free time and get involved talking to people of similar interests, or watch movies or play games, it's all there in the internet. Despite the fact that the internet claim for its countless benefits, it is undeniable that it also possess adverse danger to its users.

Because of the so many opportunities on the internet it is also said to have become an addiction for some people, which makes them more lazy and inconsistent in much more important works in life.

At last, I just want to conclude that everything have two aspects, in what way we utilize our source is important. Internet is very useful asset; we should use it in positive way so that it will be useful in our enhancing the quality of our lives.

Anuj Mehta

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