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In these times of globalization, is National Identity and Patriotism important?

Globalization and nationalism are not antonyms. Before discussing anything regarding this matter, we must clearly understand this fact.
Globalization unites people, eliminating all boundaries of religion, barriers, culture, language. Nationalism is one's pride for his country, culture, heritage.
I personally believe that a person who is supporting the view of globalization , must remember that a global concept involves his country as well. Also someone who claims to have love for his motherland must remember that love for something increases love for other things.
Now , the question that arises is whether globalization is diminishing the effect of nationalism and patriotism?
We must realize that these two concepts have equal importance in our contemporary world.

Globalization unites us across boundaries. When our thoughts and ideas get diluted with that from the outer world, we get to learn many things. We get to rectify our misbeliefs , wrong ideas and superstitions. A great boon of globalization was seen in India with the advent of British rule-"SATIDAHA" pratha was abolished, Widow marriage was initialized, Child marriage was abolished. The best part was that these initiatives were taken by our own countrymen who could enhance their knowledge from the effect of globalization. Among them are renowned freedom fighters of our country like Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar and many others. This proves that being influenced by globalization does not diminish patriotism.

Nationalism is in itself an international ideology. Whichever country a person may belong to, he always feels a strong attachment to his motherland. Even a non residential Indian must have cheered for India in WORLDCUP CRICKET 2011. He must have felt the same last minute tension which we felt sitting in our homes in some part of India.

We are always eager to borrow advanced technologies from the Western World. We are ignorant of the fact that Cultural Imperialism is one of the dominant faces of the West.

Effects of Globalization are perceived in many different ways. Negative perceptions are-
1. Globalization is a threat to national integrity.
2. It dilutes culture due to immigration of people from different parts of the world.
3. There is an exploitation of regional, cultural feelings.

Positive perceptions are-

1. It has influenced modernization of thoughts.
2. It has contributed to advancement of technology due to sharing of ideas among different countries.
3. It has improved trade, business, import and export facilities.
4. It has also enhanced Nationalism on one hand because national movements and struggles of one country influenced the others.

Nationalism is also not a totalitarian beneficial concept. There are negative sides of Nationalism too.
1. Often nationalistic feelings are cashed by politicians for their own benefits.
2. Often extreme culture consciousness yields harmful effects. The greatest example of this is Heitler's mass killing of jews.
3. Another effect of nationalism is economic nationalism, the main manifestation of which is Protectionism. This has a negative impact on the global economy. As all countries are related to each other in terms of economy, implementation of such economic nationalism by a country may seriously harm the economy of countries which are connected to it in terms of trade. Example of this was seen in Ohio banning India's BPO services. But concerning the topic, whether in these times of globalization, national identity and patriotism are important or not, I would say, yes they are.

We do listen to English music, rock bands, but our Indian music, Hindi songs have their own special effect. We watch English movies but our Hindi movies are any day more touching. Watching India play in WORLD CUP CRICKET has a different feeling . To me it is India as it is my motherland, a Brazilian will be more eagerly watching Brazil playing in World Cup football as Brazil is his motherland. These feelings of nationality will always prevail.

And coming to patriotism, well, 19th and 20th century has witnessed freedom struggles across the globe. People did'nt fear to die for the sake of their motherland. And even if in this age of Globalization, such a situation of foreign domination comes ti any country of the world, I am sure that History will repeat itself.

-Anwesha Bandopadhyay

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