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Is Beauty only skin deep?

"Beauty is only skin deep" and "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" can be very controversial quotes to some people. Those quotes are all based on how they are viewed by other people. You may not believe in them but other might believe strongly in them. First, "Beauty is only skin deep" all depends on what type of person you are. Both quotes rate directly to each other but let's pull them apart separately. I think that 'Beauty is only skin deep' is expressed in many ways by people. If you are not one of those beautiful people in this world then to some people you mean nothing. When you look around a normal school you see clicks right? Well that's what I am talking about. You see the people who express them selves by wearing darker clothes, and the people who always wear the trendy and in style clothes. Sometimes you get jealous and say mean things because either you wished you looked like them or you want the things they have. But we were all created differently.

You have to like yourself first for anyone else to like you. Relating to 'Beauty is only skin deep' means that people only look at what's inside that counts. Some people believe at love at first sight, what is all that about? That means they like the person just from seeing them. So many people in this world can relate. People judge people. You look around and think by the clothes or hairstyle this girl wears that she can either not afford them or chooses to be that way. So you think she is poor. Doesn't she deserve your attention too? I think that beauty is over rated. People need to look at your mind, your intelligence. Being pretty is not all it's cracked up to be. Since being pretty has got me a lot of compliments it also brings in the bad sides of beauty.

Therefore most people think that beauty is only skin deep which means that a person is only beautiful by their outside appearance such as weight, height, hair length, or face complexion. Most people do not think pay attention to the important characteristics that make and mode a person. They feel that beauty is based on appearance alone. I on the other hand think differently. Beauty is all about what is on a person's insides. Inside beauty consists of the person's love for themselves, their love for others, and finally their personality. These characteristics help shape a beautiful person. Being beautiful means knowing that you are beautiful. Not allowing others to put you down by making you think or feel that you are not beautiful. A beautiful person, in my eyes, loves the person that they are and will be. They accept who they are no matter what others say or do. They value their life and cherish each breath taken. A beautiful person does not try to change him or herself because of what others think or say. Beauty requires having self-respect. Displaying self-respect shows that you love your body, your mind, your spirit, and your soul.hey carry themselves in a respectable manner. Beautiful people think, say, and do positive things and try to stay away from negativity. Being able to love others as well as your self is also another way of displaying beauty. A beautiful person notices the beauty in someone else as well as himself or herself. Showing generosity to others, even to those that mistreat you is a beautiful thing. Showing love to others takes courage and sometimes strength when the person is not treating you how you should be treated. Being kind hearted and helping others who are less fortunate than you shows your beauty as well. Your will to help whether it's saying something nice or doing something nice also displays your beauty. It means beauty is beyond skin, it's in the soul. Social psychology tells us that beauty in fact is not only skin deep. That is that beautiful people actually are nicer and friendlier.

The argument goes as follows. Hopefully, we can all agree that we subconsciously assign positive characteristics such as intelligence and friendliness to beautiful people. Studies confirm this assumption. We then treat these people nicer than we treat others. Studies confirm this as well. The improvable hypothesis is that beautiful people are beautiful on the inside as well. As a result of having been beautiful and therefore kindly treated children they develop a positive self-image and treat others as they have learned others treat them. This continues into adulthood creating beautiful people that are friendlier and nicer than less beautiful people. Thus beautiful looking people become truly beautiful people by way of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our experience with beautiful people being nice fuels are expectation by way of a psychological phenomenon known as association that similar looking (and therefore also beautiful) people will also be nice. We in turn treat them nicer and they treat us nicely in return further developing their own good character.

We find evidence of this belief in popular songs "you must have been a beautiful baby; you must have been a wonderful child. You must have been a beautiful baby cause baby look at you now". On contrary, there is flaw in this line of thinking is the assumption that if beautiful people are treated well, they will become mature, thoughtful, compassionate individuals who treat others well. No doubt that is sometimes the case, but people who experience little adversity often develop into amazingly uncharitable, self-centered individuals.

We all know one or more beautiful people with an inflated sense of entitlement and self-worth. They believe they are a prince or princess and deserve to be universally treated better than anyone else. Often they also believe they have the right to treat others like dirt. Since we have better memory for negative events than positive ones, this is often the lasting impression we have of beautiful people and it (perhaps unfairly) spawns the saying "beauty is only skin deep."

Well on the other side: -The phrase "beauty is only skin deep" is presumptive, misleading and a patently false statement. It presumes, first of all, that everyone accepts the standard definition of beauty, i.e., a person whose physical appearance would be appealing to a majority of people. That majority would first have to agree on a definition of beauty. It also negates the concept that beauty comes from within! True beauty goes much deeper than skin. It's difficult to interpret because I don't know that either gender would view them in the same light as someone of the opposite sex would. But, the essence is that, if you perceive that a person's features are arranged in a way that is pleasing to you, take it for what it is - a pleasant looking face! Nothing more, nothing less.

At last finally in nutshell I want to say that it means beauty is beyond skin, it's in the soul. It means very simply that if you took a 'beautiful' and a 'not beautiful' person and removed the skin, are they not equal in their looks? There is nothing about the beauty statement. It is only skin deep. don't believe it? remove the skin layer of a 'beautiful' person, and I am sure you will see that the beauty too is removed. You will not have to go deeper. Beauty is superficial, and so is the one whom measures a person's worth by it.

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin deep. That's deep enough. What do you want -- an adorable pancreas? -- Jean Kerr


Daizy Jassal

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