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Is Mahatma Gandhi still inspires today's youth

Father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi was an impeccable leader who taught us non-violence, unity, honesty and equality. He led a nomadic life, fasted rigorously, and did several movements, protests against British Raj. To a great extent our youth is not following him. Let's discuss how are the youth is following his gospel.

Happiness is anything done with harmony: Mahatma Gandhi concluded that only when our thoughts, actions and words are balanced and connected to each other, can we achieve true harmony. Happiness and harmony in today's world is very unimaginable and superlative. Pricy material possession makes the youth content and fulfilled. Their thoughts and actions are diverge from each other. Before joining the job they are taking the oath to serve the people, but after having job they are expecting to be served by people.

Stay away from Alcohol: Indulging themselves with alcohol, drugs is their life style. They even don't bother spending their parent's hard earned money in wrongdoings. Most of the youth do robbery in their home in order to fulfil their need. They never feel shame in arguing that smoking helps them in concentrating whilst studying.

Forgiveness is the component of the strong and not of weak: Gandhi used non-violence in bringing independence and he showered love and compassion to all human regardless of their religion, education, gender, poor or rich. Retaliation and conformation is the only solution in case the youth get humiliated from others. Seldom they do apologize and confess their mistakes. They should helpful and considerate to others.

Simple living high thinking: Throughout his life he had been dressed with a dhoti and travelled across the India in bare foot. But for today's youth simple living means moneyless life, low social status. Luxury lifestyle is the goal for their education. The youth is obsessed with latest trends of globalization, what is new is cool and fashionable.

Never give up and be consistent: If they are failed in the exam then suicide has been easily opted by them. They show unwillingness in study hard and choose the profession which could be easier and safer. Either by hook or crook they are getting a job or passing an exam. Many young entrepreneurs are facing bankruptcy due to lack perseverance and patience .

Work for unprivileged people: Gandhi was always concerned about the plight of the poor and he uplifted poor people. But today's situation is totally upside down. In a ruthless manner they spent their money in movies, lavish dinner and disco but they do bargain with poor people who sell vegetables, eatables items in the street. Most of the youth do naughty prank with disabled, old sick people instead of helping them.

Study abroad and work for own country: Gandhi moved to London to study law and he spent nearly two decades advocating for the equal rights of South Africans. He returned to India and fight for independence. But now the youth prefer to purse good education in India and would settle in the overseas. Sometimes they are abandoning their old parents in the care home. Selfish thought has been imbibed in their life.

Principles of swadeshi and self-dependency: Gandhi encouraged the occupation like 'farmer and waver' and tried to abolish poverty. But now the situation is the other way around .Large numbers of youth are migrating to the city and giving an alibi that rural area is saturated no job opportunity lies in the village and being a farmer or waver would not suffice to their daily needs. They are becoming greedy and feel proud by associating themselves with Multi National Company. Imitation makes them less innovative and incompetent.

In a Gentle Way, You can shake the World: Very few youth are raising their voice against atrocious activity like child trafficking, female foetuses aborted, child labour .Youth isolate themselves from social welfare programme .They may appear modern, but not fighting against weird culture like dowry in marriages ,gender biased ,violence against minorities . If each civilian would work weekly once for a NGO, then our country will prosper soon. Eventually small steps could make a big difference in the society.

The moral influence of Gandhi's personality, charisma, glory cannot be measured in any material scale. From generations to generations he would be worshiped as a God not in India but all over the world. His life is message to us. It is never too late to cultivate his values in our life and follow him.

- Satyasmita Pandey

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