Is Online Education And Work From Home Here To Stay ?
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Online education and work from home is a luxury for Indian socio economic scenario except some streta in work force and students of the society.
Work from home is not possible for any of the sector from service , manufacturing except BPO and IT sector. Online education is also impossible for rural area and middle class students which is in high in number. Online coaching for competitive exams will gain humongously.
In our society work from home only suits IT and BPO sector and it is not new for them but in manufacturing sector no one can helps in manufacturing from staying at home. Service sectors like bank, other financial institutions , emergency departments are providing service even in lockdown period from direct battle ground.
In Entertainment sector work from home is not possible because films cannot be made of sitting in room only except few short films.
In Education sectors city childrens are usual with online coaching but rural area students are not familier with it and for primary students in rural areas mid-day meal is a big driving factor for them to come for study which is only possible if schools starts like before.
Going to school is not only to give bookish knowledge to childrens but also to make them socialize which is the top motto of education. So online education after lockdown is not possibly to continue.
Online coaching for competitive exams going to flourish because so many students have already started to subscribe different online platforms which less time consuming and economical also.
In short we can say work from home and online education is not feasible enough to run the society.
We have to look into proper sanitization and building greater body immunity system instead of seating idle in house. We the human always learns new ways to fight natural demons, this time will be no exception.
We need to fight it as a single unit.
-Suvojit SenRelated Essays
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