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ISRO launches 100th mission:PSLV C 21

"Hopes becomes Happiness, When Dreams becomes Reality"

India, ruled by the British for more than 200years, finally with the legendary struggle it got independence in 1947. the nation with much of its resources taken by the British during its era, which holds 75% agro based industry have to plan for its development. Our eminent leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr.Radhakrishnan, and Smt.Indra Gandhi had fore seen the nation's development and took so many decisions that make "India" a superpower in all fields of agriculture, industrialization, education and sustainable resources in its near future.

With the 2nd five year plan in 1956-61 drafted mainly emphasized on the promotion of industrialization, India known for its ancient science and cultural method, and had great mathematicians, astronomers. Development in industrialization showed way for rocket science also. The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was found in 1962 with Dr.Vikram Sarabhai as its chairman.

After this the epoch of ISRO (Indian space research organization) begins in 1969 under the chairman ship of honorable Dr.K.Radhakrishnan with the motto "space technology in the service of mankind". ISRO is among the 6 world's largest government space agencies. Indian space research organization in Bangalore developed its first satellite "Aryabhatta" who was a great mathematician and an astronomer, and was launched in 1975 with the help from Soviet Union launch vehicle. Then the Rohini Satellite the first Indian satellite to be placed in orbit with the Indian made launch vehicle SLV3 (Satellite launch vehicle).

After this ISRO developed two main type of launch vehicle system. one is PSLV(polar satellite launch vehicle) and GSLV(geosynchronous launch vehicle). the PSLV is mainly designed for placing satellites in polar orbits and GSLV in geostationary orbits Though ISRO facing some difficulties in GSLV it will overcome the issues within short span of time. It also developed ASLV (augmented satellite launch vehicle)) which is not in use at present.

The ISRO developed satellites in collaboration with many other nations for the betterment of human race. It developed remote sensing, telecommunication and multi-purpose satellites.

INSAT (Indian national satellite system) the multi-purpose satellite launched for promoting All India radio, doordarshan, Indian meteorological department and telecommunication.

IRS Indian remote sensing satellite launched for the observation of the Earth surface and changes occur in it. Many satellites were launched in this series. It is the largest constellation of remote sensing satellites for people use in operation today.

RISAT radar imaging satellite for providing multi polarization and multi resolution of the spatial arrangement. RISAT 1 was sent to space on April 2012 with c-band synthetic aperture radar.

ISRO also launched the CHANDRAYAN 1, the first satellite to moon by India. It also plans to develop a manned satellite to probe in moon in coming days. And with numerous tie-up projects with other nations through the help of ANTRIX- commercial wing of ISRO.

ISRO launches its 100th mission, the PSLV C21 lifting off from the Satish Dhawan Space Research Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh in 9 September 2012 witnessed by our Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh was successful and placing two foreign satellites in orbit. It carried SPOT-6, a 712-kg French earth observation satellite and injected it into an orbit of 655-km altitude, inclined at 98.23 degrees to the equator. Proiteres, a 15-kg Japanese microsatellite, was put into orbit as an additional payload. With this mission, the ISRO has launched 62 satellites and 38 rockets. It has so far injected 28 foreign satellites into orbit.

PSLV had placed 22 satellites in c series consecutively though 1 failed remaining 21 satellites were launched successfully. With the launch of PSLV C21 India became an example for developing nation. This achievement by ISRO brings pride and honor to our nation. This also proves the nation's strength and self-reliance to the other super power nations. And it's the time to wish our nation and ISRO for its future missions to MARS.
