Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss
It is wisely said that - "Earth Provides Enough to Satisfy Every Man's Need but Not Every Man's Greed"
The gods has created this beautiful world but what man do? They all destroyed it just to get some money. It may seem like there is nothing we can do as an individual to stop the factors that are depleting our resources. The way we're living, we are already using 2 to 3 times more of the Earth's resources. The Western Ghats are a mountain range that runs almost parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. Western ghat range starts from the border of India's western states(i.e. Gujarat, Maharashtra Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu ending at Kanyakumari, at the southern tip of India). Western Ghats are around 60,000 sq km in area.
Climate in the Western Ghats varies with altitudinal gradation and distance from the equator. The climate is humid and tropical in the lower reaches to the sea. The three major rivers that originate in the Western Ghats and flow to the east are Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri etc.
Reports on Western Ghats
This Kasturirangan committee was set up to study the Gadgil committee report on the Western Ghats. Both committees were formed during the time of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. In May 2014 National Democratic Alliance (NDA) came to power and stated that it would take the recommendations of the Kasturirangan committee over Madhav Gadgil committee report.

Reports on Western Ghats
This Kasturirangan committee was set up to study the Gadgil committee report on the Western Ghats. Both committees were formed during the time of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. In May 2014 National Democratic Alliance (NDA) came to power and stated that it would take the recommendations of the Kasturirangan committee over Madhav Gadgil committee report.
Gadgil report
Madhav Gadgil (born 1942 Pune) is an Indian ecologist.
Gadgil Commission submitted the report on 31 August 2011.
This report said that 94-97% area of the Western Ghats should be considered as eco-sensitive. Therefore any developmental activity should be given permission so that it would not disturb the lifestyle and ecology of the region. Almost three-fourth of the hills, including plantations, cultivated lands and large habitations, is turned into a restricted development zone with an over-arching authority to regulate the region superseding the elected authorities' role. This reports recommended that no new dams based on large scale storage be permitted in Ecologically Sensitive Zone.
ESA (Ecologically Sensitive Zone) is a type of area which needs special protection and concern because of its landscape, wildlife , fertile land, some historical values etc.
The main criticism faced by Gadgil Committee report was that it was more environment-friendly and not concern about realities. The report doesn't give any solution or measures for revenue losses that take place because of its recommendation.
Kasturirangan Panel Report (submitted on April 15, 2013)
Dr. Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan (born 24 October 1940 in Ernakulum, Kerala)
- Indian space scientist who headed the Indian space research organization (ISRO) from 1994 to 2003.
- Member in the Upper House (Rajya Sabha, 2003–2009) of the Indian Parliament.
- Now, member of the Planning Commission of Government of India.
- Chairman of this Kasturirangan Panel committee.
The government accepts this Kasturirangan report on Western Ghats prepared by K Kasturirangan which led by other 10-member groups.
The Kasturirangan panel has recommended that there should be a complete ban on mining activity in Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) zone and current mining activities should be phased out within five years, or at the time of expiry of the mining lease. This panel recommended banned development of any township or construction over the size of 20,000 sq m in this ESA zone. This panel has not recommended a ban on hydroelectric projects in the zone which was banned in Gadgil report. For dams, it has demanded an uninterrupted ecological flow of at least 30% level of the rivers flow till individual baselines for dams are set. No thermal power is allowed in report. Red industries which are highly polluting be strictly banned in these areas.
The main mistake done in this report that they included ecologically non-sensitive areas under ESA, and left out many ecologically sensitive areas. But it seems that if the Kasturirangan Committee report is implemented, it will directly affects the resources of area. It will also disastrous for the environment. There will be shortage of water and other required resources in that area. The mining will also increase the pollution level of that area which results to damage of fertile land which is used by the farmer for agriculture purpose. They will not be able to do farming there. Finally, farmers will have to quit the area. The employment gets snatched away with this recommendation.
The Western Ghats are the treasure for us which provides us our day to day need. It needs to be protected and regenerated. This Ghats contains enormous wealth of beautiful species and trees. If people have to remain in this world, we need nature and its resources. So it is for our own survival that we have to protect the forests, but forests or natures do not require human beings. So, we should take a pledge not to destroy our environment.
And finally Do Your Duty for Earth's Beauty...
Arushi Agarwal
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