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Essay Contest for UPSC Exam for IAS


We all are aware of current situation, world is fighting from a deadly virus
called corona which came from china (wuhan) and spread all over the world
and the most unfortunate thing is we don’t have a vaccine for it till date which
have treated this virus completely somehow scientist are lagging somewhere
in making the hundred percent efficient vaccine for it but I hope pray sooner or
later we are going to win this battle. Things will be normalized again. People
will be back in their day to day routine.

Talking about changes corona brought with it are, schools shifted to online
platform, buses, trains, flights were made to stand in their respective stands
for few months. A lot many things got changed like people started working
from home, no outdoor activities for children, no parties for adults, no
celebration and many more things came to an end. Also corona period taught
all of us an important lesson of being together. Corona has proved a quote true
“United we stand divided we fall” if I talk about our country INDIA specifically,
then we are recovering from this virus better than other countries and this
became possible just because we the citizens were supporting each other like
by feeding the hungry people, landlords were not asking for rents till the time
people weren’t allowed to work and earn their living, giving shelters to the
homeless people. Also supported each other mentally because during this time
we have seen people breaking down mentally and then giving away their lives
due to depression or were unable to cope with the current situation. Also on a
personal level lesson that I got from corona phase are, don’t take life for
granted, don’t keep things for tomorrow do them right now right away, keep
your family, friends close keep meeting them keep a check on them how they
are doing in life is there something that is bothering them if yes help them if
you can, at least talk to them try to find the root cause of the problem, also
keep fulfilling your smallest dream one among your bucket list for which your
pocket allows you, don’t keep passing on things onto your future because
future is not granted you never know what future holds for you. A person can
live with less money but can’t live with a regret, regrets doesn’t let a person
sleep peacefully.

I would conclude it by saying no matter how your situation is no matter what
this society talks about you, you just focus on yourself on your dreams on your
goals because if you die this world is going to lose nothing but you are going to
lose first a life then your family, friends then your unfulfilled wish list
unachieved life goals. You should enjoy every moment of your life, try to enjoy
what you do, keep yourself and others happy. Also one of the most important
lesson that I have learned is this world is not owned by humans, this time
mother earth has shown us our real place and given this nature a break from
all the disturbance that we humans were making to it and healed the wounds
we have given to our nature and wild life. Nature is not from us, in fact we are
from nature. We need to understand the importance of everything that
mother earth has given us without being selfish unlike us. Start appreciating
what we have make every second count, try not to be self-centred.

-Vidhi Veerbhan

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