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Is Molestation at public places is becoming a daily routine?

The Structure of our Indian society has always been male dominated. But in the modern era, women tried to break the centuries of shackles by venturing in to male dominated areas. Though we have grown up from issues of gender inequality or bounds related to women's growth and development yet the most basic structure of society is showing no signs of improvement .While we look at the newspaper it shows us daily news of molestation/eve teasing, rapes or any sort of sexual harassment of women. Molestation in public places, public transport is a severe problem not only in small cities or town but in metropolitan cities as well. A large percentage of women are facing this menace, whether it is public transport or shopping malls or multiplexes or any other crowded area women find themselves vulnerable to the threat of molestation everywhere. The term eve teasing is an Indian origin which has its own demerits as it describes that woman provokes man for such an attempt.

How women have been empowered when their safety is still lacking in society? What is the meaning of education of man who doesn't know how to treat a woman because of molestation is not only done by illiterates but it is more often done by educated people. In fact the traditional mindset of men often blames women to provoke him to do so by her clothes & other activities. As recent incident of Ms. Gauhar Khan (actress/model) came in front of us in which she was publicly slapped by a man in front of audience & why he did so because he had been provoked & provoked by her short dresses & according to her tradition she has no right to wear such kind of clothes. But that is all lame excuse .Even if females wear modern clothes it doesn't give any license to men to harass them. The answer lies in changing the mindset and inculcating morals and values in our education system.

Molestation takes place in work place where there is gender discrimination which shows another instance of human psychology specifically of educated people mindset. Though in 2012 Supreme Court issues some guidelines to avoid such activities such as to appoint female police officers in public places & installation of CCTV cameras at such places but did these guidelines worked against those people? No, I don't think so, as we have not heard even about single incident that has not been happened because of these actions. So After going through all such incidents & facts I think women should empower themselves. They should learn martial arts /karate and most important they should make themselves capable of raising voice against those who are harming them. A recent example is of Delhi girl who raised voice against her rape & complaint in police due to which this news got spread in public & sparked outrage & that accused has been arrested within two days. Though the person threatened her, but then also she complained fearlessly. This is actually what we require.

On a positive note there are plenty of NGOs in India who are working for the cause of women empowerment. They are teaching women on how to deal with difficult people & how to fight against harassment at work place. So I will conclude by saying that molestation should be stopped and so police, government and common man should take strict action against it & our law should have dangerous punishments for such ridiculous people. Most important is that woman like us need to empower our self by mind, heart and strength so that next time if someone will molest us or any other in front of us we may not let go him without giving him deserved reward.

-Payal Tyagi

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