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Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment

Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment

In the modern age of technology where many developments are taking place in communication and websites there on the other hand many evil hands are done like spreading rumors, doing something illegal activities, etc. Hence something we can say that development of technology can have some pros and cons.

The right to freedom as one of the basic human right is enshrined in main international human rights documents. Freedom of speech is inseparable element of a democratic society.

Article 19 of Universal Declaration Of Human Rights provides that, "everyone has the right to freedom of speech and expression, to hold opinion without any interference and to impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontier.

However, "Every right is complemented with a duty. If we want to enjoy the rights then we must fulfill the duties. Dr. Ambedkar had said that, "there cannot be any such things as absolute or uncontrolled liberty, wholly freed from restraints for that would lead to anarchy and disorder. Now day's rumors are spreading on internet in a large number. An American actor Shiloh Fernandez stated that, "people make up rumors and put them on the internet. The misleading or wrong information are put on social media for religious purpose, terrorist organization and other purposes to gain popularity or for promotion. Due to such act many innocent people fall into big trouble, which will lead to death also.

Thus censorship becomes necessary in the age of internet. Censorship in a real meaning is vigilance upon the information whether it is useful or harmful for the country and it can be carried out by government or by private organization. Individuals may sometimes self- censor what they post online.

Over the past few years, censorship on the internet has become a growing concern and many different websites are already being affected by censorship for different reasons. These actions make the reason for censorship concern over found on internet that could possibly be used to attack society.

Therefore as a responsible citizen we should keep in mind that the rights are unlike to any product or substance. If any product or substance gets misused by an individual or by group of people then it would cause insecurity for some people or for an individual but if right to speech and expression gets misused be a matter of u safety for our country as well as to world also. So it is our duty to use the right to freedom of speech and expression in a careful manner so that we can save our country from anarchism.

Brian Koslow has said that, " Never make negative comment or spread rumors about anyone. It depreciates their reputations and yours.

In the conclusion I want to state that, "people must be self- vigilance then the country does not need any strict law for censorship. This will become an ideal situation.

- SaurabhSen

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