Home » Subject » Essay » Setting up a new commission for Netaji Disappearance Mystery, will it bear positive results?

Subhas Chandra bosh was a marvellous personality and without his indispensable contribution Indian freedom struggle would have become a hard nut to crack. He left the country secretly as British were observing his activities. In Japanese-occupied Malaya and Burma he constituted the Indian national army (INA) by recruiting Indians there.

His only objective was to liberate India from the shackles of British government. His INA conquered Manipur and Aishevpur thereby covering the area of 10,000 sq. miles. Nevertheless, this series of triumph did not last long and many a soldier of INA was captured by British. Unfortunately, the INA failed to accomplish its mission of liberating motherland. About this time, subhas was supposed to have died in an air-crash. By this time the death of Bose has become a mystery. No one knows of his whereabouts. The questions about his disappearance have captured the attention of Indian government. There are many fallacies regarding his death but it's hard to believe in any of them until it has a solid proof.

Various rumours of his sudden disappearance are in air. The central government till date had instituted at last three commissions to probe the matter and each time the unfinished report, submitted by the commission, was rejected. A one-man commission was proposed to set up during the reign of Atal Bihari Vajpayee to enquire into the mysterious disappearance of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. This commission would gather information on the following points to remove the ambiguity: first, whether Netaji is dead or alive. Second, if he is dead, whether it was due to the air crash at Taihoku Air field in Formosa or not. Third, whether the ashes kept in the Renkoji temple, Japan belongs to Netaji or not. Fourth, if he is alive, then all information about him would have to be gathered. However, the report submitted by the commission, after the period of 6 months of its establishment, was not acknowledged by people of India.

Since then, many reports were presented before the central government claiming that Netaji is not dead. An organization of researchers named the Netaji Chetna Manch has disclosed the evidences in the letter that Netaji was active in china, Vietnam, and other countries well after the alleged fatal plane crash in Taipei in 1945.In addition to it, the Mukharjee panel also laid down its report on this matter. This report concluded that it was not Bose who died in the airplane crash in 1945 and also the ashes found at Renkoji temple was not his ashes.

The constant insistence on Netaji's being alive has incentivized PM Narendra Modi to open the file of Netaji's disappearance case again. The setting up of a new commission and entrusting it with the task of unraveling the old mystery of leader's fate is in demand. Only the things to be noticed this time are: the co-operation of the government and providing commission with the sufficient time to investigate the case thoroughly so that the new report may clear all the clouds of doubts and gratify everyone. A lot of research and investigation is required to ascertain the cause and nature of Netaji's missing after the plane in which he was travelling crashed on august 1945.

The prospects of getting positive results are rare, for a long period of time has been passed since his disappearance. Hence, the evidences of his existence must have been curtailed with time. At the same time, the cause that inspires us to look forward for further investigation is that we have never got any report certifying his death. So, it is hard to come to any decision until the new commission provides us with a proper report.

The commission must work diligently as the expectations of the whole nation are waiting for its positive response. The possibilities are less but it has not diminished yet. If a particular question is sustaining for years, there must be any mystery behind his disappearance whose enlightenment is necessary.

Thus, the new commission should not leave any stone unturned in investigating the matter. The absolute co-operation of government will facilitate the new commission to probe the matter.

Priyanka Singh

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