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Quick but steady wins the race.

An old proverb says ‘Slow and steady wins the race’ but in the present high tech era of globalization where millions of ideas, goods & services flows across the borders in a fraction of second, it will be more appropriate to amend it as ‘quick but steady wins the race’.

Quickness is to steadiness as the inertia is to momentum. Where quickness reflects the mental alertness, speedy decision making and leadership qualities steadiness displays the inherent qualities of preservance, patience and absence of dualism.

In 21 Centaury promptness of action are crucial to grab the newly arrived opportunities and techniques and at the same time steadiness is indispensable to modify/optimum utilization of these resources through proper planning and consistent coordination of thoughts and actions over a period of time. A quick action ensures speedy access to the resources, knowledge information or goods. As it is commonly said ‘first comes first serve’. Thus early initiatives cuts competition and give a cutting edge over one’s rivals. But if not deployed into intricately woven schemes of a plan, it may leads to wastage of resources, time and labor.

In a race both time and technique matters. To win a race one not only needs swift judgment but also the adoption of right technique/strategy in one’s actions till reaching the end point. And this is the time when role of steadiness comes into play. Steadiness means consistent performance in terms of conceiving thoughts and voluntary actions to achieve fixed goals. It seeks patience, farsightedness, firm belief in underlying principles, devotion and dedication for achieving goals, honest efforts in right direction and last but not the least the indomitable spirit.

History reveals may incidents when right combination of these two leads to miracles. Many reformers like Martin Luther king Jr, Raja Rammohan Roy, Abraham Lincon took no time in acknowledging the social evils prevalent in their respective societies like many other contemporary personalities might have felt but the only thing that made them different from others is their steady and life-long efforts to eradicate theses evils. The Indian freedom struggle is also vibrant example that how timely and well planned reaction to oppressive tendencies (like Swadeshi for ‘drain of wealth’, Non-cooperation movement for brutal repression of British Rule) and continuity in underlying philosophy of freedom forced Britisher to quit India. On the other hand, the revolt of 1856 was quick but short-lived due to its inherent shortcomings and thus fails to achieve the desirable objectives. In other words, it was quick but not steady and thus not successful.

Today, keeping in view the Volatile Markets, Neocolonism, Globalization & International Laws the survival of an economy depends upon how efficient it is to identify the prospects of changing market trends. But the bigger challenge is to make their policies consistent with these trends to make it work for decades. Indian economic reforms of 1991 are the example. The policy of Liberalization, privatization, and Globalization in the face of globalized economies and quick alterations as per the Indian aspirations and needs by introducing regulatory bodies, reforms and rules gives Indian economy a strong footing which is evident from the fact that when most of the developed economies of the world were under pressure, during economic crisis of 2007, most of the Indian companies managed to sustain healthy balance sheets.

Today many island nations and coastal areas are on the verge of extinction due to rising sea level, thanks of global warming. Many international organizations like World Bank, UNFCCC etc. has made serious efforts to sensitize the masses about this impending environmental crisis. Indeed, early detection and planning was crucial to devise the remedies but still the onus lies on up to what extent and how far the efforts to reduce the greenhouse gases would be made by the international communities. Further, it is due to quick consideration of the problem under Montreal Protocol and its consistent implementation of programmes for the last 26 years that gives us hope that the ozone layer will return of 1980 levels between 2050 to 2070. Again prompt and sustained efforts are the key.

Quickness that lacks steadiness may cause a kiosk. It leads not only unaccomplished agendas, wastage of resources and time but also falsify the trust and belief in one’s capabilities. Half-baked unfinished projected fails to reap benefits like the student who at the beginning of semester is very quick to make time tables and schedules to study hard but fails to incorporate them in his daily routine, and subsequently trapped in to last minute haste and frustration at exam time.

In brief, it can be said that though quickness is crucial but not a guarantee to success. However when coupled with steadiness it may cause miracles.


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