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Reasons for Chennai rains and future preparedness

Chennai is one of the most populated urbanized city in India. Recently it was flooded causing huge hardship to the people and huge loss to the economy of the city. The government had declared the Chennai flood as calamity of severe nature.

One of the reasons for the unprecedented rains in Chennai is attributed to the problems of climate change. The main reason for climate change is due to the pollution of the environment. The polluted air from vehicles and industries provides CO2, SO2 and NO2 released in the atmosphere which causes acid rain formation.

Second reason for climate change is due to the rapid urbanization. Urbanization is main reason for pollution, deforestation and soil erosion, all together contributing to climate change.

While the rain was caused due climate change, the flood happened due to poor drainage facility. The water stagnation problem in most part of the city affected everyday life and created severe problems to the people.

Most affected cities in Tamil Nadu were Chennai, Cuddalore, Tuticorin and Kanchipuram but in compare to them, Chennai was most affected city. Due ineffective drainage system, most of the houses were sunk in water and street was flooded.

The dams in Chennai were filled with excess water and the government without intimation to the people, ordered release of the water to their localities. The flow of water was blocked due to the construction of many unauthorized buildings and poor drainage system. Those who had built their houses near the water flow were drowned due to the sudden release of water.

No one in Chennai wants such situation to happen again. Government must take preventive measures to avoid such problem of floods. It must make arrangements rainwater drainage into the sea. Proper drainage system should be maintained. Such awareness should be created by the media and the NGO’s. Government should not allow people to built houses in low lying areas and there should be proper urban planning for future construction activity.

Our future depends on the healthy environment. Green environment and pollution free environment will bring protection to our earth. Our future is in our hands, and we must keep our environment safe and secure for the future use.


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