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Religious Liberty and Women Rights

Liberty is a famous paradigm in the revolution of the people. Plenty of resources we have, the more concentrated towards a few handy ones. Liberty wipes out inequality from the roots of the society. From the evolution of the human there exists religion and its survival. Religious founders are deity of the cosmic establishments. The quarrel between evolution and creation pinpointed the God as masterpiece of freedom and problems. Freedom is attained from the bondage of soul, in equal status of men and women .In the proper way men is superior to female. Anybody has religion has women rights. Women starve for rights. Religious liberty in the sociological way permits women rights. But in the actual sense, women rights are preserved for institutional causes. Women are less engaged in freedom of themselves, unless they are identified. They don't understand their own rights .The reason is the new world and the new liberty deteriorations. Religious values are underestimated and distorted in the coming decades, due to prosperity.

If we write " can " and to add a " t " after can after an apostrophe ,can is " can't ". Liberty is like that. There are many do's and don'ts in the liberty. The Norms in the society takes away the calibre and good qualities from a person. Some of the achievements of the women can be overcome by the religious sentiments. Religious liberty harms women and takes away their right to unite and express their appreciations. Women rights are studied in schools and institutes and the women are arrogant. Some women hate even marriages. An encounter with the supernatural or religion is happened for the women for the fallacies in the life. Men do not know the rights of women. Most of the women working force are freely in world affairs. The world is a trend for the women. Anything happened in the world are daily guideposts for them. They respond to the world. Women unite for common causes. The ring of the relationships lies in the social setups. Women like to live in the peaceful world, where there is prosperity. There is women's cell in the college, and there is the tale of two cities.

All women like to be outstanding in society. They choose religion as a stage and platform to the liberty ideas. Some of the facebook columns and what's app are conquered by women. Feminism is deep rooted in the social and aristocratic order. The famous women leaders are having a background of misery and comfort. Newspapers are read by women in no way. Reservation is given to women in the government bodies. But what about in religion? Religion is dominated by men. Liberty is achieved where there is concern for the next generations. How many women Prime Ministers in the world? Liberty is a good idea for increasing the capability of women and the empowerment. Women empowerment and the govt. policies lack propaganda. Awareness is done among females to do good to the people. In India women needs good and they do well to others. Status of women in religion depends on revival.


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