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Is Saudi Arabia modernising with the recent reforms?

The most important notable events in the history of Islamic world is the recent developments that are undertaken by the Saudi Arabia government to change the outmoded picture of the country with new reforms by creating a positive euphoria among Saudi Arabia in the World. This is the dramatic step taken by the Prince of Saudi Arabia to disband the old customs and incepting modern values and culture in the society.

The Saudi Arabia is renowned for its orthodox Muslim ideology and deep rooted customs and traditions in the society and especially on the women by forbidding them with minimum basic rights such as covering there face with Hijab, there are not allowed to move freely in the society , education was not allowed to them , Patriarch society is persisted there etc are rigorous traditions that was imposed on them . The Sunni Islamic ideology dominated in Saudi Arabia and it is spearheading Wahhabism through its tentacles all over the world.

The economy of the Saudi Arabia is dominated by exporting Oil to various parts of the World and it is renowned has one of largest exporter of Oil in the world. The Society in the Saudi Arabia is so harsh and rigid towards its traditions and culture and it is glorified as exporting Wahhabism to all over the world. The discomforting fact that was emanated in the US Federal Court, where the Law Department sued Saudi Arabia, over it monetary funding 9/11 attackers and this incident created ruckus among the two nations recently.

The Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after ascending the throne brought a remarkable changes in the country and also intended to reform country economy. The changes which the new prince after ascending the throne had brought are remarkable in the Saudi Arabia where he lifted the ban on girls education and allowed to work in companies also, ban was lifted on women self driving, ban was lifted on women watching football games in stadium, allowed the girls to play games and also to have physical education, etc are few were the reforms are intended. These reforms naturally have a big impact in the Patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia and it are guided to empower the women in the society.

The Prince Salman also intended to bring the reforms in the economy were he had brought “National Transformative Programme 2020”, and the kingdom’s “vision’s 2030”, where he outlined in July 2017. This vision aims to capitalize the youth of country to get employment opportunities and to entertain the women with modern music etc had brought MODERN FACE OF ISLAM” in the world. The United Nations organization had recognized the reforms that are undertaken by the Saudi Arabia in the country and appreciated it by selecting the Saudi Arabia for four year tenure in UN Human rights committee.

The reforms and measures that are undertaken by the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince to rewrite history of his country is highly commendable and deserves noteworthy in the history of Islamic world. These reforms naturally a wake up call to the orthodox muslim countries that are still alive where science and technology and spurring its progress in modern world. There is a great saying the history of world,



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