Should a civil servant be honest? How corruption in offices can be monitored?

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TOPIC: -Should a civil servant be honest? How corruption in offices can be

Should a civil servant be honest?
According to Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel, the first Home
Minister of independent India, the civil servants form the lynch pin of the Indian
administrative system. As a result, the civil servants hold a position of
paramount importance. In other words, civil servants and their day to day
activities form an important part of common Indians day to day life. Therefore ,
civil servants occupies an important place in the affairs of our country. Without
our civil servants, Indians very democratic system and its working will be a
nullity. The civil servants and their functioning forms the very crux of the
Indian administrative system.
At the same time, civil servants must imbibe certain
qualities while discharging its day-to-day activities. Among them, the policy of
adopting an honest approach while discharging its regular administrative
activities is very important in this context. Moreover, it is rightly said that,
‘honesty is the best policy’ in common parlance. Therefore, I believe there is no
harm in adopting an honest approach towards their administrative activities. In
this regard, I would like to state that, there is no harm in applying or adopting
honesty as an approach of the civil servants in their day-to-day life.
If, we want to blossom and prosper as a democracy,
as well as, develop ourselves as a democratic nation then an honest approach of
the civil servant must form the cornerstone of our democracy. Moreover, we
Indians as a citizen of the world’s largest democracy we must inculcate honesty
while discharging our administrative policies. Our very identity as a democracy
and its flourishing with the passage of time is very much dependent on our
adoption of an honest approach towards the various nitty grittiest of our
administrative activities. Our policy of a welfare state as well as, our very
policy of development administration will certainly be a reality in such a

How corruption in offices can be monitored?

It can be rightly stated that, greed and not need is the root
cause of corruption since, time immemorial. Moreover, corrupt practices can be
termed as a result of human folly. As far as corruption in offices are concerned
it can be monitored by making a paradigm shift in our approach towards
administration and administrative activities. Corruption in offices can be
monitored by adopting a new approach towards their works. In this process, the
government of India, must adopt a reformist approach rather then a retributive
approach towards corruption. In this endeavour, corruption will be a matter of
the past, if and only if, those who are at the helm of affairs adopts an honest
approach towards their day-to-day activities.
In this whole process of monitoring corruption in
offices, irrespective of whether it is a government office or a private sector
office will be a reality by dint of each and every official turning itself into a
crusader of the anti-corruption movement. The whole process can be summed
up with regard to monitoring the anti-corruption movement by setting up its
own example of ushering in probity and cleanliness in its functioning.
Controlling the greed of indulging in corruption is a herculean task as far as an
official is concerned. A little bit of soul searching, love for our nation and the
dream of turning India into a prosperous nation can certainly change our
approach towards corruption and corrupt practices.
Monitoring corruption by adopting a strict vigil in
offices can also be considered as an approach in this regard. At the same time,
corruption and indulging in corrupt practices has more to do with the
psychology of the concerned official. Therefore, let we all the officials of our
country come over our parochial and narrow mindedness and rather indulge
ourselves in making a corruption free society. In this process, let we all Indians
come over our personal whims and caprices and rather be a trend setter in
building a corruption free society. In a nutshell, as far as making corruption as a
matter of the past we, as a whole, as officials of the country must be a trend
setter in this whole process.


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