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Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages

With the advent of internet and mobile computation (2G, 3G, and 4G) social media has progressed a lot. It has changed the outlook of how society communicates with each other. It has created the world a smaller place to live in.

Social networking includes the social network among people of similar interests, activities, workplace or real life connections. Earlier the social networks used to get added in social gatherings like parties, meetings etc but nowadays social networks proliferate due to the emerging trends of social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, Likedin, Skype, being the most commonly and widely used ones. Man is a social animal having the inherent desire to connect and expand connections. Despite all the geographical distances people stay in touch with each other. Today these networking sites have become the inseparable part of our life.

The growth of social networking sites is beneficial to the society as these sites have many positive aspects. The most crucial being a person getting updated of all the happenings around the world. There are several pages, groups dedicated to debates and discussions where people from different parts of the world, society and religion come across the common platform, share ideas, beliefs and inferences. This helps in developing the thought process of an individual as he comes across both sides of a subject or an issue. It is the platform where an individual can be vocal about his thoughts and share it worldwide. And not only this there are pages and groups relating to almost everything-one can go for jokes, look for job updates, GK questions and what not.

Here, people get connected to their old friends from schools, colleges and also meet new people having same interests and ideas and become friends with them.

Social media has become so popular that 'spreading a word' is easier and has become the fastest mode of communication. Thus all the influential personalities whether it being political, bollywood, socialists make their pages and spread messages to the whole nation.

Other advantage is push to the advertisement industry where companies can showcase their products on social media which has also helped creating job opportunities.

As we all know anything in excess is always bad. These Social Networking websites have many adverse effects too. People tend to spend lot of quality time on these websites peeping into other's pictures, statuses and then liking and commenting on them.

Social media has also created social isolation among individuals as instead of face to face interaction they have started preferring communicating through these websites. Instead of making phone calls, people wish their friends and relatives on Facebook on their respective birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. The real essence of relationship is missing these days.

No doubt these websites have helped bringing us closer to friends we have lost contact with but minute to minute update on whereabouts is really not imperative.

The major drawback is the impact on youth. The teenagers who are at crucial stage of their life get addicted to these sites and waste a lot of time which they should devote to their studies and building innovative ideas which results in low grades. Why only youth, anyone addictive to these websites have become less productive.

With the astounding growth worldwide one more important issue rising is the increase in cyber crime. The hackers hacks ids of people, posts inappropriate stuff, misuses the photographs, create fake s and misguide people and do Identity theft. To investigate these issues there is a cyber crime department created in police department.

In the end I would like to conclude, making social media a boon or bane is in one's own hands. Using social media is not bad but one should take care of one's privacy level by pondering all the goods and bads of these sites.

Neha Kapila

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