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"Education "paves the path for society's enlightenment .

It is well said that
"Education is the premise of progress, in every society and in every family."
In ancient India education was considered as the "spinal cord" of society .it is believed that if youths neglect education then the whole country walks lame in the race of development. In Vedic age education was considered as emancipation from life bondages. In fact in modern India education occupies the highest value in the society. Ours is a dynamic education system that has the potential to educate the every people from every economic class. But "change" is the rule of nature all the systems, all the rules , all the laws are to be modified time to time as per its need and so does our education system needs certain improvements.

In 2013 alone, nearly 2417 suicide cases were attributed to "failure in examination ". a common question that hits every Indian minds is that- are only students responsible for their failure ? Does our education system lie faultless? the answer is "No", thus there is an urgent need to introduce some improvements in our education system.

A student's life is considered as a laboratory for educational experiments so in order to enrich and flourish their knowledge "exams" must be held on regular basis. Apart from 3 main exams there can be a "review test" every week followed by a "revision test "monthly once, so that students can perform well and this can learn from their own mistakes. School is considered as the temple of learning; where the overall personality of a student is framed. Elocution ,debate , recitation drawing ,dancing, sport have equal importance in student's life as that of studies.so this must be a part of school curriculum. A good orator, a public speaker can best represent the country in international platform. So seminars on regular basis must be held to show their talents through reasoning. "Equal Opportunities" should be given to each student to show their talents. There should be no discrimination on basis of parental status, caste, sex and not on sequence of student's performance. Only learning without understanding is like an ass carrying the load of sandalwood, feels only its weight , without being benefitted by its perfume. So great emphasize must be given on what students learn not on how much marks they scored.

In this era of digitisation, we can get everything on internet. Thus a smart technique must be introduced in our education system - "A common platform - A common teaching" . In order to implement this a website can be created where students can watch online videos of best lectures and teachers around India. In addition to this a student can also clarify his doubt from the concerned lecture of his interested subject. In this way various students can interact among themselves and with teachers, it will provide an environment of group discussion where students can enrich the knowledge.

Again this can solve yet another problem that is not all students are getting the same guidance for preparation of competitive examination may it be UPSC , SSC ,BANKING,CAT,GATE,IIT-JEE ,NEET , etc ,all because of lack of proper coaching centres. So if government of India will take this initiative to develop this website, then it will prove a common platform for learning and this website will be authentic and secured too.

In ancient India the main objective of education is preservation and spread of culture. But in present day we are in some way or other eroding these values. Thus the schools should take the initiative to revive the essence of introducing the value of culture in the curriculum. At least once in every week there should be a special class for culture and ethics, in which the students know about our glorious past and culture and their advancement in present day. Students must be taught the lessons from the Holy Bhagwat Gita, the Bible, the Quran, the Guru- Granth. Another great change is needed that is "Dividing" the students according to their interest in different subjects. A student must be given chance to give his best in the field of his interest only.

Now as India is heading towards rapid development, producing the best scientists, teachers and engineers. But the bitter reality is that hardly any one of them is interested to serve their motherland. Somewhere our education system is lagging, as it cannot induce the feeling of "Nationalism" in our children. A child's mind is like "wet mud" , moulds in the direction in which we desire. Thus from the very beginning we must teach our children the very essense of "Being Indian And Serve India". Well said by Anthony J.D. Angelo
"Develop a passion for learning, if u do so you will never cease to grow".
Little changes in our Education System can lead to Better India.

- Lipun Das

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