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"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

India has shown significant improvement in education since 1947. However, we believe that there is always some room for improvement in every field. So, here are a few ways that can help us improve our education system.

  1. Skill Based Learning - Schools should be allowed to provide skill based training. It can be done best by recognizing the areas of interest of a student. If someone is interested in repairing mobiles, there should be provision for mobile engineering course. If someone loves trying hands in handicraft items, the training should be provided for the same and so on. Skill based training will ensure one thing - Self-employment!
  2. Focus on Rural Education - Mahatma Gandhi said, "The future of India lies in its villages. If the villages perish, India will perish too." This alone explains the significance of focus on rural education. We should have schemes and schools that provide good education to children living in villages. Also, involvement of talented and experienced teachers should be assured.
  3. Free Basic Computer Skills Classes - It is the era of globalization driven by Information Technology, education is nearly incomplete without basic computer training. Be it accounts, engineering or just the simple back office job, the use of computers are everywhere.
  4. Teacher Training - Our country already has several training programs for teachers. The need of the hour is to design a curriculum for teachers in such a way that provides uniformity in teaching standards all over the country. Moreover, teachers should be trained well enough that they know their rights as well as duties.
  5. Subsidies and Grants for Professional Courses - No doubt, we have different scholarships existing in various schemes for the underprivileged as well as the meritorious students. We can further improve this by having subsidies and grants in various professional courses. This way, aspiring students will not have financial related limitations.
  6. Educate Parents - Educating parents is equally important so that they do not force their children in their career path. Also, necessary steps should be taken to augment and improve the communication between teachers and parents.
  7. Health education - Another area that needs improvement and attention is the health education. We should try to inculcate the knowledge of Yoga and other workouts in our education system so that children get to learn and understand the value of good health and maintain the same.
  8. Smart Classes - Though many of the Indian schools and institutes are already following this concept, we should take a step wherein all educational institutes can be connected with the concept of smart classes. With the help of different audio-video devices, multimedia concepts and other necessary IT elements, we can make our students learn and understand theories in a much better and modern way.
  9. E-libraries - Introducing this concept in our education system will be of great help, as anyone would be able to access books and the required study material from anywhere with ease. Moreover, E-libraries can be updated quickly with new material and books which is a blessing in disguise.
  10. Making Sports Compulsory - Last, but not the least, we should try to make sports compulsory in our education system. This will not only help students to embrace a bright career, but will also help our country in the long run! Moreover, this option will also generate employment for so many talented sports persons who, due to some reason, could not further pursue their career in sports.
    So why not achieve another milestone in education by making some more improvements? With little effort, planning, hard-work and a positive attitude, we can definitely take our education system to new heights.

- Neha P Asrani

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