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Introduction: The politics is swaying the youth of India by using social media. It can be said because youth likes social media. So, politicians make use of this point. They contact & attract youth via social media. Youth gets impressed if they find the political stuff on social media interesting. Youth & Social Media: Social media is a very popular source of promoting views. Youth of 21st generation has a keen interest in using social media. Teens use social networking sites all day-night long. So, it's not wrong to say that the chemistry between youth & social media is a great one. Youth wants entertainment & spice in their life. What better than these social media like social networking sites (such as facebook, twitter) can provide them these things! They are interested in knowing each & every current affair going across the nation and the world. They want news of every moment whether it's about bollywood, hollywood, politics etc. It means that they are connected to politics via social media. So, any sort of views that politicians like to put in front of the people, they can do. They can share with the youth whatever they want to. They present their promises, their views in such a way that youth can't resist. And people start following them.

Politics Swaying Youth: The Indian youth is very aggressive in nature. Little trials to excite them can easily work on them. And politicians throw their speeches in just a way that it becomes hard for anybody to resist. So, social media is acting like a thread on one end of which, there is politicians and on the other end, there is youth. People say "Hit the iron right when it's hot". So that they can bring the iron into any shape that they want to. In this case, politicians are hitting the hot iron & the hot iron is the youth. Any attractive words at such an age can make anyone follow the person saying such word. A young mind thinks less & aggressive. Such minds act like a wet clay that can be moulded in any way any time. One can take the example of filmy world. Youth follows the celebrities madly whom they find attractive. Similarly, they follow the politicians who impress them best with their attractive words via social media.

Is this swaying right: It is clear that politics sway youth using social media. Now the question is whether this swaying right or wrong. The politicians control the youth with their words in the way they want to. And the youth of India, without knowing their intentions, starts following them if once they get impressed. Their aggression kills their thinking. They vote for the one whose words they find powerful. But instead, they should vote for the capables, who keep the capability to change the whole system for welfare of the country. The decision of running the whole nation should be based upon a wise thinking. Every young mind should think; think about the difference between right and wrong, the difference between fake and real and then go to vote. A nation cannot be run by the attractive words. They are politicians, not magnet, which people get attracted to. Every vote matters. Don't get flattered. Be a responsible citizen.

Anirudh Jangu

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