There can be no Social Justice without Economic Prosperity but Economic Prosperity without Social Justice is meaningless.

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Mahabharata, the longest epic poem ever-known, tells us a lot about the Varna classification system prevalent in the society during the Vedic period. The epic says about the behavioural model for all varnas and the most ugly behaviour was used to describe Shudras. While Shudras were considered to be symbolism of violence, covetousness, and impurity, Brahmanas were known for truth, austerity and pure conduct. Not just the social injustice, common people’s earnings used to be heavily extorted by Kings for public’s safety and Brahmins for rituals and offerings. Even if the Kings, brahmins and thus the kingdom emerged as prosperous economically, the social injustice faced by masses won’t pay any heed to it.

If we give a peep into the Modern history of India, the British empire is commonly credited for introducing us with modern technologies and democratic administration. From the revenue they earned from farmers and others, they were able to create an effective judicial system and introduce us with the English language, that helped us to understand the past and present happenings of the world. This ensured social justice to common people especially for Englishmen with the help of money, thus making us realise that being economically good is important for ensuring social justice to the society. But the rule of British was disastrous for native people. Indians were made to feel low plus, the judicial administration didn’t protect the rights of Indians. Thus, economic prosperity without social justice appeared to be meaningless.

British had adopted Divide and Rule policy as they knew communalism can create barriers among Indians and this will enable them to rule over India successfully so that their economic gains from India won’t be lose to Indians. But Gandhiji’s efforts made us understand that the only way of making India free is being united. Even when the British was responsible for India’s drain of wealth for Britain’s progress of Industrialisation, Gandhiji united India for a good social cause, thus proving that economic prosperity of one nation won’t provide social justice to another. Both economic prosperity and social justice must go hand-in-hand with each other.

Today India’s contribution towards economic development cannot be unseen with the coming up of Fintech capital at Vizag and Silicon valley at Bengaluru at great heights. But the effect of partition still remains today. If social inclusion is not considered, economic productivity of our nation would go in vain. Inventing military weapons, missiles and launching programmes for vulnerable sections are the need of the hour for achieving social justice. But all this incentives would not only require money but also international cooperation with countries and worldwide organizations and enhancement in technologies are required. Thus, economic prosperity is only one such factor for providing social justice.

If a poor won’t get any job then he/she cannot strive for justice since they would lack the amount required. On the other hand, 1-2% of India’s total population are rich and have adequate resources to fight for their rights. Even when our Constitution says that every Indian has an equal stance for getting their pleas to be heard, there is a need to give equal opportunity to both of them in terms of resources so that the poor doesn’t fear for raising his/her voice. The economic opportunity would only then be responsible for achieving social justice in society.

-Tejaswita Sahoo

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