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Decades have gone since my birth and almost more than half century since independence but still the golden wings of our motherland are anchored, it cries for its young ones, who are daydreaming to get world class education system.

The IITs, IIMs and AIIMSs which are the pioneer of Indian education system are not even in the world's top fifty. Big questions in small eyes of young ones �"dad! Will I go to the best school", his father not in position to satisfy his child's query, an engineering aspirants asks-"will IIT be the best institute to study at?"while a medical student may say" will I become a great doctor after studying at AIIMS?"

All these questions are circulating in the minds of millions of Indian students who are aware of their potentials but are in utter confusion whether their potential may be brightly polished by the educational monuments-"IITs, IIMs, AIIMSs", I call them educational monuments because they as a monuments are only good to look at from outside, yet far from being world class lacking experienced teachers and innovative study methodology.

But the wings of students will only have flight once they get keen interest in studies which starts from the primary education, which again are mere show offs, actually filled with many loop holes, the state board school lack teachers, lack infrastructure and only lure students with government's mid day meal, rather students should be enchanted from teaching methods and taught contents of the teacher such that they don�t need any allurements.

The coin was read only from the head�s face, we should also look on the other side of the coin. Looking at the current scenario, our education system is neither at the verge of success nor at the verge of failure. An igniting flame is burning in every Indians heart that like me have seen slight changes in the education system-chalks at some places are replaced by light pens, chalkboards have been replaced by digital boards.

Again I want to focus on the word "at some places", and even if I don't focus on these words do you actually think that these digitalization are enough for world class education system. if this is not the thing then what�s more we need to look at to keep India gaining the rank 1 in education system.

In plain English the term "educational reforms are needed" and yet another question arises in my mind, "Are the reforms going to come automatically?",

Seriously our acts will decide our future education system, we should admit the fact that if we decide to bring educational reforms,it will not just come but it will come like a landslide, immediately without informing anyone on its path(India).the elders and youth involved in teaching line should make decision to dedicate their life for molding the future of students.

One will reap the quality of grains, the quality of seeds he sows; similarly the student will turn out in future the way he is brought up by the teacher. He will be counted no1 in the country but not no1 in the world, if he doesn't get world's class education.

I dream, and surely this dream will be converted to reality, if loopholes in our education system be properly filled with transformational India innovative ideas. "Brain Drain", yes that's the word we keep complaining about Indians moving to foreign countries."

Money makes a Mare go" and this phrase correctly suits some Indians, and therefore lure of money should be increased in our educational pay scale as well as with transformational India transformation should also come on geeks who give more priority on the future educated India rather than they alone get educated in future. Even parents should also help their child in studies, the child may get two outlooks of the same picture and hence will be more attracted towards his studies, since the first teachers are parents themselves. These transformations brought by igniting Indian minds will one day overhaul Indian education system and our motherland will flutter its golden wings soaring high in the sky.

-Prashant Kumar Shekhar

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