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Common man is defined as a man who daily fight for his livelihood, who wakes up in the morning with all the woos and worries and struggles for survival. In other words a common man is a person who represents the hopes, aspirations, troubles and foible of an average Indian.

The term common man first came in limelight by the cartoonist R.K LAXMAN who drew a cartoon of common man in the daily newspaper The Times of India. Nowadays it is back into focus by the so called fortune setter of India, i.e. Aam Admi Party.

The Aam admi party came into existence a year ago but its seed were sown two year back when Anna Hazare movement was launched for the demand of the Janlokpal Bill.

The so called 'Team Anna' split for some reasons paving way for the creation of the Aam Admi Party. The AAP that formed the government in Delhi has done pretty well and addressing the problems faced by common men. The Aam Admi Party's call for fighting corruption and the corrupt system connects with the common man. Some believe that there will be zero tolerance for corruption and all the problems of common man can be solved by the AAP. No doubt the AAP has raided the expectations of the people but it is not the only reason for its support.

There were certain other factors which simultaneously worked for its success. It was mainly the anti incumbency factor of the Sheila Dixit government that worked in favour of AAP. It was also the anger towards the main opposition party that is BJP that could not effectively project the problems of peoples of Delhi.

When the people of Delhi got an option in the form of AAP that showcased their dream of having better future with lesser problems and anti corrupt system, they voted for it.

The role of media is very important in projecting AAP as an alternative party to the Delhi voters. In fact it has generated a wave towards AAP at an all India level. The media has projected that AAP can fight for the common man in Delhi, it can do so for the rest of the country as well.

The media has raised the expectation of the entire nation. If Delhi can get an alternative government then why can't the whole India.

Will the Aam Admi Party, live up to such expectation only time will tell? All that the common man wants is to raise the level of their living, ensure a better future. Can Aam Admi party deliver on this?

No matter how much skeptical or critical a common man may be, he remains an incorrigible optimist and that is the support base of the Aam Admi Party.

Shashidhar Mishra

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