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Why agriculture is important to the country's economy ?

"India lives in village and agriculture is the soul of Indian Economy."- Mahatma Gandhi. In India every second home have given its word for agriculture. Two-thirds of the population calculate on agriculture as their occupation.

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Unlike western countries where every men, women and children had been engaged in industrial work, in history, in India every family member had toiled upon the farming field with ploughs and bullock carts.

So we can get a picture from history that agriculture have always been the right hand of the Indian economy. This is primarily because India is an unexampled assembly of diversified geography.

India is a subcontinent shielded by the mighty mountains and the vast ocean. The diversified types of the soil enriched by the silt of the plethoric waterbodies is an unique gift in itself.

Hence when we have the iron in the fire then what's the harm in moulding it! If we don't psych up the agricultural sector, if we don't let it be all over the place, then it will be our unreasonableness.

Secondly , for the elephantine sized population of the country, agriculture is the soft spot. Hence it has to be of the first rank like service sector or any other developing sector till date. The strive to dish out approximately 1.324 billion mouths has compelled the government to map out schemes like National Food Security Mission, Antodaya Anna Yojana for which agriculture is the state of the art.

Thirdly India uses commercial crops like silk, cotton, fish, milk and jute as a medium to bring home the foreign currencies. Unlike China who uses its financial supremacy to enter countries, India uses this soft corner to set foot in countries like Africa.

Another fact of substance is why a major part of the Indian population have made agriculture the base of the pyramid of the Indian Economy? This is mainly because Agriculture has lower investment and is drought proofing. Secondly when we refer to history, nearly eighty nine percent of the bonded labours were in agriculture, who mainly belonged to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and were kept in bondage by rich agricultural landholders. "The kernel of bondlies in unrepayable debts and loss of freedom to seek alternate employment through market process." This was the condition in the past and till date , "History repeats itself."

Lastly "Man is guided by the stomach. He walks and the stomach goes first and the head goes afterwards. Have you not seen that? It will be ages for the head to go first." This was said by Swami Vivekananda ages and ages before. The hourglass have got inverted and re-inverted, and till date no change! Do you see any change? India is in that state where ninety percent the Indian children go to government schools or atleast they are sent over there by their parents because of the mid-day meals seems like a magnet, doesn't it? "Right to Education"; Article 21A , all these are fighting chances which have been facilitated by the government but no law can fight one's battle. Thus we can comprehend that agriculture that agriculture is equal to a roof for millions of poor,which in turn is equal to core of Indian population. Hence the statement is: Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy.

The core of the Indian population relies and is engaged in this occupation. Commercial crops like tea' coffee, cotton, helps India to earn foreign currency.Agriculture is necessary to feed 1.324 billion people of the country.

-Atrayee Banerjee