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IAS Books for Medical Science

We have compiled for you a list of IAS books for Medical Science to help you in your prepration for the IAS and other services under the UPSC.

So it helps to know the best reference books for the ias exam.

Books on Medical Science for IAS exam are as follows :

Unit I : Human Anatomy Suggested books for Medical science

Unit I : Human Anatomy

    Books on Applied Anatomy
  1. MCQS in Biomechanics and Applied Anatomy - B. Arun, G. Thilagavathi, C. Sasiganesh Buy Now
  2. Applied Anatomy of the Lymphatics - F.P. Millard, A.G. Walmsley Buy Now
  3. Textbook of Anatomy Upper Limb and Thorax; Volume 1 - Vishram Singh Buy Now
  4. Textbook of Anatomy: Abdomen and Lower Limb - Vishram Singh Buy Now
    Books on Gross Anatomy
  1. A Review with Questions and Explanations - Richard S. Snell Buy Now
  2. A Provisional Hand Book of Haematherapy or Auxiliary Blood Supply in Medicine and Surgery - New York Bovinine Company Buy Now
  3. The Surgical Anatomy of Inguinal Herniae: The Testis and Its Coverings - Thomas Morton Buy Now
  4. Clinical Anatomy by Regions with the Point Access Scratch Code - Richard S. SnellBuy Now
  5. Human Embryology - Inderbir Singh Buy Now

Suggested books for Medical science

  1. Anatomy - Megraper or Snell Buy Now
  2. Human Anatomy (3 Vol.) - Chaurasia Buy Now
  3. Textbook of Medical Physiology - Arthur C. Guyton MD Buy Now
  4. Human Physiology 13ED Vol 1 - Chatterjee CC Buy Now
  5. Pathology - Muirs or Robbins (Big Robbins) Buy Now
  6. Review of Bio-chemistry - Anthony Harold Harper Buy Now
  7. Heinmann Dental Dictionary - Jenifer & Gavin Fairpo Buy Now
  8. Heinmann Medical Dictionary - Lennox, Benard Buy Now
  9. Microbiology - Anand Narayan or Chatterjee Buy Now
  10. Principal and Practice of Medicines - Davidson Buy Now
  11. Social and Preventive Medicine (SPM) - Park & Park Buy Now
  12. Surgery - Love and Bailey Buy Now
  13. Essentials of Bio-chemistry - Nayak Shivananda B Buy Now
  14. Histology (Inderbir Singh) Buy Now
  15. Physiology: Ganong Buy Now
  16. Parasitology (Jayaram Panikkar) Buy Now
  17. Pathology: Robbins (Big Robbins) Buy Now
  18. Medicine: George Mathew (Notes in medicine), Harrison (No other book may be useful) Buy Now
  19. Surgery: Bailey (Das will be also useful for some areas) Buy Now
  20. Basic Gray and Neuroanatomy (Inderbir Singh) for selected topics