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History of India

History notes for UPSC

The following notes on the History of India were written for the Prelims exam for the UPSC exam for selecting the IAS and other service officers. The history of India is a must for all students appearing for teh UPSC exam. History is a major part of the general studies syllabus and every student is expected to be thorough in it. Interview questions too need a historical perspective at all times. We expect our students to read up these notes on the History of India and add their own points as they go. These notes are also an introduction to the ancient history of India, its glorious past, the politics and the art culture of India in ancient times. We have covered the major Kingdoms,their reign, the policies and their contributons.

Pre Historic Cultures In India
Pastoral and Farming Communities
The Mauryan Empire
Position of Women in Ancient India
Education in Ancient India
Caste System in Ancient India
Regional States of India
Geographical Knowledge Of The Vedic Period
Indus And Vedic Civilisation
Asoka Foreign Relations
Decline Of The Mauryas
Asoka's Dhamma
The splendour of the 'Dark Centuries
Post-mauryan Period (200BC - 300AD)
History And Impact Of Indo-greeks
Answering A Question
Andhra Satavahanas
Satavahana Achievements
Satavahana Administration
Significance Of The Satavahanas
Saka Satavahana Conflict
Mahayana Buddhism
Theistic Cults
Bhagvatism Facts
Saivism Pasupata Sect
More about Saivism
Virasaiva or Lingayat Saivism
Kashmir Saivism
Kapala Kalamukha Sects
Mauryan Art
Gandhara-Mathura Schools
Other School of Mauryan Period
Gupta Age
Chandragupta I & Samudragupta
War With Sakas
Eastern Bengal And Balkh
Decline of the Gupta Empire
The Vakatakas
Gupta Administration
Gupta Society
Gupta Economy
Gupta Literature
Gupta Art
Gupta Religion
Gupta Efflorescence
Sanskrit Literature
Post Gupta Period
The House Of Pushyabhuti
History Of Harsha
Administration of Harsha
Exaggerations of Bana And Hueun-Tsang
Harshavardhana And His Times
The Later Guptas
Political History Of Pallavas
Pallava Society
Pallava Administration
Pallava Art
Chalukyas of Badami or Early/Western,Chalukyas,Badami
The Arab Conquest
India's Impact on Southeast Asia: Causes and Consequences
India's Impact on Southeast Asia: The Dynamics of Cultural Borrowings
The Contribution Of The Buddhist Monks
The Link Between Southeast Asia And South India
Indian Impact On Ancient South-east Asia
General Preview Of Science & Technology And Learning & Education
Learning And Education
Note On Places And Areas In Ancient India
Note On Places And Areas In Ancient India
Note On Places And Areas In Ancient India
Note On Places And Areas In Ancient India
Making Use Of The Maps And The Accompanying Notes
Index of Ancient Place Names And Historic Sites
Contacts With South-east Asia : Additional Notes
History Of Funan And Cambodia
Reasons For Collapse&Contacts With Central Asia
Additional Notes
Ancient India
History of India