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UPSC Exam For Civil Services

The Civil Services Examination is based on the British era Imperial Civil Service tests. It is the most difficult competitive examination in India. A single attempt takes over one year of preparation and one year from prelims to interview. On an average, 9,00,000 to 10,00,000 candidates apply every year and the number of candidates sitting in the preliminary examination is approximately 550,000. Usually results for the Prelims are published in mid-August, while the final result is published in May of the next year.

  • Stage I: Preliminary Examination - Held in June every year. Results are announced in August.
  • Stage II: Mains
  • Examination - Held in October every year. Results are announced in January.
  • Personality Test (interview) - Held in March. Final results are usually announced in May.
  • The training program for the selected candidates usually commences the following September.

UPSC Exam Prepration Videos

Prepration for the UPSC exanm requires a particlar mindset and consistency. Watchng these will help you set the base for teh UPSC exam Preparation and set the tone for sucess in the exam.

The four pillars of CSE Preparation. [ HINDI]

Mindset for Success. [ HINDI ]

Consistency in Effort. [ HINDI ]

Number of Services Under the Civil Service Exam

The UPSC conducts over all 13 exams but this website is concerned with the civilservices exam. The Exam conducted under the Civil service exam employs people for 24 services under 3 categories of services. Details are given below.

Type of Services Nos
All India Services 2
Central Services (Group A) 17
Group B Services 5

Details of UPSC Jobs.

Usefull Links For Exam

  1. upsc exam date
  2. upsc exam pattern
  3. upsc exam eligibility
  4. upsc subjects